11 Rose-Like Succulents to Grow at Home

Rose succulents seem to be a popular trend in the plant world, and if you see them, you’ll know why.

These cute little plants, as the name suggests, grow in the shape of a rose.

While they are usually green in color, there are some varieties that are a stunning dusty pink color.

So is it a rose or a succulent? 

Stay tuned as we discuss some of the most popular rose succulent varieties out there and why you should be growing them in your garden.

1.’Perle von Nurnberg’

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“Perle von Nurnberg” (scientific name: echeveria) is arguably one of the most popular types of succulents out there.

Distinguished by a solitary rosette of paddle-shaped and pastel leaves, it has a beautiful dusty appearance.

The leaves are a muted gray color in low light and turn bright purple and pink in direct sunlight.

The succulents enjoy bright light, infrequent watering, and sand that is well-drained.

Due to their incredible beauty, they are often featured in flower arrangements, wedding bouquets, and container gardens.

2. Black Hens and Chicks

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These succulents are often referred to as Hens and chicks or “Black Prince.”

It’s a slow-growing hybrid variety of succulents characterized by its triangular and dark purple leaves.

It grows in tight rosettes that can grow up to 3 inches wide.

They readily produce offsets that start out light green and then turn dark green as they grow.

These succulents also produce stunning dark red flowers that look gorgeous on the tall flower stalks.

The plants require regular exposure to direct sunlight in order to keep their vibrant color.

They should be watered infrequently and enjoy well-draining succulent soil.

3. Nodulosa


The Nodulosa succulent is also distinguished by its green leaves that contain vertical red stripes.

It requires lots of sunlight and well-draining soil, just like other varieties of succulents.

So it should be watered only once the soil has completely dried out so as to avoid root rot.

The stems can grow up to 2 feet tall, and the rosettes can reach up to 5 inches in diameter.

4. Topsy Turvy

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This succulent is unique looking, containing spoon-shaped, blue-green leaves.

The leaves also roll downwards along the length giving them a beautiful curved appearance.

This fast-growing variety can reach up to eight inches tall. It also requires soil that is well-draining and needs very little water.

So dry conditions are ideal for succulent plants to thrive.

The Topsy-Turvy succulents can grow both indoors and outdoors, but the outdoor climate needs to be warm in order for it to thrive.

Topsy-Turvy is also resistant to deer if grown outdoors.

Thanks to their unique patterns, these hardy plants can be used to decorate your home and can grow with very little water.

5. Sempervivum (Hens and Chicks)

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One of the most popular species of succulents, it’s also called the Mexican snowball.

These succulents contain blueish-gray leaves that form tight rosettes.

There are many more varieties of hens and chick succulent plants.

They also can grow both indoors and outdoors.

It’s also easy to propagate leaf cuttings by separating offsets from the main plant.

6. Dusty Rose

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These popular hybrid varieties are easily noticed by their powdery-violet rosettes.

Each of these rosettes grows up to 8 inches in diameter in ideal conditions.

These succulents appreciate lots of sunlight and infrequent watering, and as a hybrid, they are less tolerant to frost than most other types of succulents.

They can also flower multiple times throughout the year and have bright orange flowers emerging on tall stalks.

They should ideally be grown in sandy soils to ensure proper drainage. 

7. Wooly Rose

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Wooly Rose succulent (also called Echeveria “Doris Taylor”) is a popular succulent hybrid characterized by its unique green and fuzzy leaves that grow off soft stems.

The wooly rose succulent is a cross between an Echeveria Setosa and Echeveria Pulvinata.

Compared to other types of succulents, they appreciate the filtered sun and only a few hours of direct sunlight a day.

For propagation, it also takes longer with fuzzy leave varieties, so you need patience if you’re going to grow these succulents either indoors or outdoors.

8. Tippy


This variety of succulents has attractive, spoon-shaped leaves in a greenish-bluish color.

They also have prominent pink tips that set them apart from the rest. The tips also grow in a tight rosette shape.

These succulent leaves can grow up to 6 inches tall and 6 inches in diameter.

They propagate easily via leave cuttings and offsets and also do well in well-draining soil.

Tippy flowers in the summer, with stunning orange flowers that are sought after by hummingbirds.

So it makes an excellent addition to any container garden, outdoor garden, or indoor house plant collection.

9. Neon Breakers

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Evergreen succulents have purple leaves with pink ruffled edges that get brighter when in direct sunlight.

They can grow up to 3 inches tall and 3 inches in diameter and also do quite well in outdoor gardens or container gardens.

They can also become grown indoors provided there is enough light for them.

Neon bakers don’t tolerate over-watering or frost.

So be sure to plant these succulents in well-draining soil, and for best results, move them inside in the wintertime if you live in a colder climate.

10. Graptopetalums (Ghost Plants)

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This succulent is quite an attractive succulent species that is characterized by silver-gray, spoon-shaped leaves.

They are often called ghost plants because of their coloring.

They do best in part shade as the delicate leaves can easily burn if exposed to too much direct sunlight.

So they don’t do particularly well in hot climates.

During the cooler months, though, Graptopetalum succulents can take on a more lilac hue.

They should be watered sparingly and planted in well-draining, sandy soils.

11. Pink Mountain Rose

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The Pink Mountain Rose is named after the island of El Hierro in the Canary Islands.

This is also where the succulent is grown.

It turns pink during its dormant season and then turns green during its growing season. Is also likely to find a pure blush tone one.

Pink succulents do exist and are occasionally sold by nurseries that specialize in succulents. In general, the more green, the more vigor.

But because pink succulents are highly sought after due to their beauty and, of course, novelty, it’s likely that the supply will eventually catch up.

Taking care of rose succulents

Some varieties of succulents such as Aeoniums thrive in milder climates, with low humidity and with a minimal amount of summer rainfall.

Delicate varieties should be grown ideally on a balcony or patio that is sunny in the morning and shady during the heat of the afternoon.

If you’re keen on growing your succulents indoors, keep the plants under full-spectrum lights or near a sunny window.

Use cactus or succulent soil, and water it thoroughly before leaving it out to dry almost completely before planting your succulents in them.

Those succulents should be placed in bright shade in the summer, or they are at risk of closing in order to conserve moisture and protect their vital core from sunburn.

Also, ensure that you keep the soil barely moist at all times.


Succulents are highly sought after plants and not just because of their novel beauty, but because of how easy they are to grow and care for.

These succulents can be grown outdoors or indoors, making them versatile as well.

So if you don’t have any succulents or cacti in your garden as yet, now would be a great time to start filling them up with these beautiful and fuss-free plants.

Note that most of these succulents listed below are usually part of a popular succulent of the month club that delivers a variety of succulents to your home on a regular basis.

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