Epipremnum Pinnatum: Cebu Blue Pothos Plant Care

What is a Cebu Blue Pothos?

Cebu Blue Pothos, also known as the Dragon Tail Plant, Centipede Tongarvine, and Devil’s Ivy, is a vining plant that originates from Cebu Island in the Philippines.

This tropical vine goes through two different stages. When it’s young, it grows small, delicate, silvery-blue leaves along its stem. In its adult phase, which it can only reach in its natural habitat (or in a place that closely mimics it), the Cebu Blue pothos grows large leaves with deep slits, like some Monstera varieties.

These tropical vines love to grow up a moss pole or droop down the side of a hanging basket.

Let’s dive into Cebu Blue Pothos care so that you can properly nurture these tropical plants in your own home!

Cebu Blue Pothos Care


Temperature and Climate

Like most plants from the tropics, the Cebu Blue Pothos plant does not like cold temperatures.

If temperatures regularly drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), it is probably best to keep it as a house plant.

Plus, it is so beautiful and elegant, why would you not want to keep it as an indoor plant?

In an outdoor natural environment (with warm temperatures and ambient humidity levels), the two phases of this plant will be more pronounced.

For indoor growing, normal-household humidity levels are probably sufficient.

If you want to increase the humidity around the plant, you can put a pebble tray underneath the pot or lay a damp cloth over the soil every few days.



This is a great plant for indoor growing because it doesn’t need a lot of light—it is used to grow underneath the forest canopy.

That said, lots of bright indirect light will promote healthy growth.

If there is too little light, the plant’s leaves will become dull; but if there is too much direct sunlight, the leaves will become droopy and the plant’s health may suffer.

You should try to find the right light balance.

Try placing your Cebu Blue pothos plant by an east-facing window for lots of morning sun and bright light throughout the day.

A grow light should not be necessary unless your plant is not receiving any indirect or direct light.



Pothos plants do not like to sit in soggy soil. The best way to water is through the soak-and-dry method, where you let the soil dry out completely between heavy waterings.

You can water a little more during the growing season to promote foliage growth.

But drainage holes are a necessity—if your pot does not have any drainage holes, you should drill some holes or transplant them into a pot with drainage holes.

The Cebu Blue Pothos may become diseased if it sits in standing water.

Reduce your watering if you notice yellow leaves or leaf spots—excessive watering will damage a healthy plant!

Soil and Fertilizer

This woodland plant likes well-draining soil: a bagged potting mix with peat moss, perlite, sand, and even orchid bark is perfect—alternatively, you can put bark on the top inch (or top two to four inches for larger plants).

Roots grow and breathe best in a chunky mix. Basically, you are trying to create a soil mix that drains well and allows for proper root growth.

The Cebu Blue pothos does not need too much fertilizer—a top dressing of some fresh soil every couple of months will be plenty for this easy-care plant.



Propagating the Cebu Blue pothos is really easy!

You can take a single leaf cutting or a few cuttings off of the mother plant—just be sure to cut beneath a node.

Then, put the cuttings in a glass of water or a cup of moist soil.

When you notice tiny roots starting to sprout (or any new growth for the soil method), you can transplant the young plant into a larger container with some good potting mix.

Like many other plants from the tropics, these plants can also be propagated by taping a clear plastic bag over a node on the mother plant.

When you notice roots starting to grow, you can cut below the node, take off the plastic bag, and plant the cutting into a good potting mix.

Pests and Diseases

Cebu Blue pothos are pretty resilient. Pests and diseases can happen but are quite rare.

If you notice bugs like spider mites on your plants, you can spray them with neem oil, soap, and water, or, in more severe cases, use insecticidal soap to kill the pests.

The most common disease for Cebu blue pothos is root rot.

If you notice any discoloration around the base of your plant, the roots may be diseased.

In this case, you should water less and maybe transplant your Cebu Blue Pothos into new soil with better drainage.

The majority of Cebu Blue Pothos diseases are caused by overwatering.


Is Cebu blue a pothos or philodendron?

Cebu Blue is a Pothos and not a Philodendron. Its botanical name is Epipremnum pinnatum. It’s a pothos cultivar with silvery-blue leaves that catch the light and seem to shimmer. Cebu Blue can be grown as a trailing or climbing plant and is a stunning complement to any indoor garden. Best of all, its ease of maintenance just adds to its appeal.

What is so special about Cebu Blue pothos?

The Cebu Blue Pothos is a striking indoor plant, thanks to its silverish-blue shimmering leaves that trail and vine elegantly as they grow. On top of that, this tropical evergreen vine is simple to care for and will not place a significant amount of demand on your time. 

Does Cebu Blue pothos grow fast?

During the main growing season, these plants can grow very quickly if they get enough light and water. In the summer, these plants can grow more than a couple of feet tall. To make sure they grow quickly, give them a lot of light and make sure you water them often. When the Cebu Blue pothos gets a lot of light, they will grow at a faster rate, but remember that direct sunlight can hurt the plant.

Other Pothos Plants To Consider

The Cebu Blue Pothos is one of the easier tropical plants to care for. If you are new to gardening, this is the perfect plant to start your indoor collection!

Also, experienced gardeners will love these vines for their deep-blue color. Enjoy growing this tropical beauty in your own home!

If you are looking for other types of Pothos plants, read further for our post on:


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