18 Best Indoor Vining Plants for Giving Your Home a Jungle Vibe

Vines trails and climbs.

People ask if growing vines are possible inside houses. Actually, trailing houseplants are. Surprise your house visitors with the “back to nature” feels using indoor vining plants.

So you’ve decided to grow some plants indoors, bring it a notch by growing vines. It will give you the wilderness vibe minus the wild animals. 

Just imagine the live, green creeping in your backdrop. They are oxygen-giving ornaments in a jungle-like house.

Indoor climbing plants are easy to grow, given the right conditions. You need no professional gardener or environmentalist’s help to do so.

They will automatically spruce up your home and give you a fresh ambiance.

For other related posts on other houseplants, please see our page on other types of houseplants to grow.

18 Best Indoor Vines And Climbers You Can GrowPin

18 Best Indoor Vines And Climbers You Can Grow

Let’s face it, seeing viney house plants as your interior decor isn’t ordinary. But growing them is not special either.

Climbing plants are vines and best suited for open wall, balcony and as curtains for display. 

To spice up your decor consider these easy to care Indoor Vining Plants that thrive in typical indoor spaces.

1. Jasmine

Jasmine PolyanthumPin


  • Botanical name: Jasminum polyanthum
  • Water requirement: Frequent but let the soil dry after every water spells; less during fall
  • Sun exposure: Full sun/ part sun
  • Care: Prune out to shape the plant and pinch the tips to encourage growth keeping in proper density. Fertilize the plants every two years with fertilizers rich in potassium and phosphorus.
  • Caution: True Jasmine is not harmful to pets like dogs and cats but a species called Carolina jessamine also commonly called Jasmine is moderately toxic for them.
  • Hardiness zone: 7-10

A very fragrant kind of vining house plant, Jasmine is a plant with more than 200 species. J. Polyanthum is the most common type of indoor Jasmine.

The green plant is accented with white tiny flowers, and it grows very beautifully in well-drained soil. Jasmine loves water, but be careful not to soak it.

When it starts to climb, provide the plant with support or trellis so it will not go astray and follow only your support’s direction.

2. Pothos

Pothos vinePin


  • Botanical name: Epipremnum aureum
  • Water requirement: Infrequent
  • Sun exposure indoors: Bright spot
  • Care: Trim the plants regularly cutting them short because they can grow back eventually. They do not require heavy nutrients, feeding it twice monthly is enough.
  • Caution: Toxic to both cats and dogs causing oral irritation and excessive drooling.
  • Hardiness zone: 10-12

If house plants were ranked based on which was the easiest to grow, pothos would pass as one. There are many pothos varieties. Some common ones are:

  • Golden Pothos (golden pothos are also known as golden yellow variegation).
  • Satin Pothos – Scindapsus pictus (also known as Silver Pothos)
  • Jade Pothos
  • Marble Queen Pothos
  • Manjula Pothos (devil’s ivy or Pearls & Jade pothos)

Pothos isn’t an attention seeker whether in light or water requirements. It does not need trellis since it is known to support itself.

Another alternative is growing small pothos in a closed terrarium because most pothos can handle the high humidity conditions in a terrarium.

It has green, heart-shaped leaves that are perfect for the office interior. Astonishingly, it is a great air purifier too.

Want to find out more about other types of pothos? Check out our related post:

3. Lacy Tree Philodendron

Lacy Tree PhilodendronPin


  • Botanical name: P. bipinnatifidum
  • Water requirement: Moderate, wait until the top inch of soil dries in between watering
  • Sun exposure Indoors: Medium-light
  • Care: Regularly rotate potted Philodendron to expose evenly the sunlight and report every few years
  • Caution: Toxic to both cats and dogs
  • Hardiness zone: 9-11

Lacy Philodendron is an upright vine with ‘lacy’ roots. The leaves are green and split, making them also known as the split-leaf Philodendron.

Its roots will rot if kept in soggy soil, and it requires no direct sunlight when grown indoors. Give it its proper care and it will reciprocate by purifying the air.

In their natural environment, Philodendrons are tropical, which is why they can withstand the humid ambiance.

For more information on Philodendron plants, read further:

4. Bougainvillea



  • Botanical name: Bougainvillea
  • Water requirement: Seldom, until half of the soil is dry
  • Sun exposure indoors: Full sun
  • Care: Prune to keep the shape and size you want; fertilize monthly when in bloom
  • Caution: Toxic to dogs and cats; human is prone as well during pruning so using gloves is advised
  • Hardiness zone: 9-11

A lateral vine with a name suitable for spelling contests, Bougainvillea is a thorny plant that produces a cluster of yellow or pink flowers.

Bougainvillea is a drought-tolerant plant, enjoys high humidity, and rests during winter. During this period, you may transfer the plant without considering much sun exposure and temperature.

It will flourish in highly organic soil rich in iron and micronutrients.

5. Black Eyed Susan

Black Eyed SusanPin


  • Botanical name: Thunbergia alata
  • Water requirement: Moderate
  • Sun exposure indoors: Full sun to part shade
  • Care: Fertilize with water-soluble plant food and prune lightly
  • Caution: Toxic to dogs and cats
  • Hardiness zone: 3-9

The flowering vine is native to Africa, with yellow, red, or orange petals in the black center. Its appearance makes it popular as a beautiful houseplant and a gift among its owners.

Black-eyed Susan grew indoors and requires little attention. It has to have moist soil, but not soggy or dry either. You can grow them in baskets where they can drop their branches beautifully.

6. Creeping Fig

Creeping FigPin


  • Botanical name: Ficus pumila
  • Water requirement: Moderate
  • Sun exposure indoors: Bright, indirect light
  • Care: Fertilize once a month except during winter when humidity is scarce due to cooler temperature. Adding some will benefit the plant; pruning isn’t necessary
  • Caution: Toxic to dogs and cats; Figs that covered surfaces are difficult to remove.
  • Hardiness zone: 8 and higher

Yes, they creep. Creeping figs are beautiful wall coverings indoors or as houseplants in containers. Add a pole where it can climb for an extra natural environment vibe inside your house.

The soil it is planted upon should be kept moist but not overwatered. It is a popular houseplant since it is okay in normal room humidity, special care isn’t needed especially if you don’t intend it to climb.

7. String Of Pearls

String Of PearlsPin


  • Botanical name: Senecio rowleyanus
  • Water requirement: Seldom; monthly during winter
  • Sun exposure indoors: Bright sunlight
  • Care: Occasionally trim dead stems because it encourages Fuller, bushier plant
  • Caution: Toxic to household pets and small children
  • Hardiness zone: 9-12

Ever experienced adding something not only attractive but uniquely appreciated? That is the same vibe that the string of beads or pearls gives. It is not lavish but is a great addition to houseplants.

The trailing houseplant is a drought-tolerant plant that can thrive like succulent cacti. It has thin stems with round leaves, which are like green pearls, and can be grown in hanging baskets, adding style to house interiors.

For more information on Senecio plants (String of type plants), read further:

8. Burros Tail

Burros TailPin


  • Botanical name: Sedum morganianum
  • Water requirement: Once every time the soil completely dries out
  • Sun exposure indoors: Very bright sunlight
  • Care: Remove entire stem if leaves started to fall off; No repotting necessary
  • Caution: Non-toxic
  • Hardiness zone: 9-11

Its leaves are water-filled, requiring less water after it is successfully established. Burro’s tail is not an attention-seeking vine. If you could ignore it after watering, then it might be better.

The chubby, rice grain-like plant does well in house humidity and loves to be in an uninterrupted place. Hanging baskets are best where they can drape their “tail” down and far from anyone’s physical touch.

9. English Ivy

English IvyPin


  • Botanical name: Hedera helix
  • Water requirement: Seldom
  • Sun exposure indoors: Bright indirect light
  • Care: Regular fertilizing is recommended and occasional washing of leaves. Trim the plants to keep it bushy.
  • Caution: Poisonous to cattle, dogs, sheep, and humans.
  • Hardiness zone: 4-9

English ivy is the most common houseplant out of its 100 species. It is a green, woody vine perfect indoors as a center table plant, hanging decor or a wall creeper.

Like most plants, it likes a well-draining soil rich in nutrients. If the plant is turning brown, you might have overwatered it. Removing dead foliage can do the trick.

10. Wandering Jew Plant

Wandering JewPin


  • Botanical name: Tradescantia zebrina
  • Water requirement: Moderate
  • Sun exposure indoors: Bright indirect light
  • Care: Prune the long stems above a leaf node attached to the stem. Fertilize the growing vine monthly with a plant food high in Nitrogen.
  • Caution: Wandering Jew plants are slightly toxic to dogs and cats
  • Hardiness zone: 9-11

Wandering Jew Plants have a variety, but the zebra type is the common houseplant featured with green and purple stripes. The underside of the leaf is a deep purple, making tradescantia plants great outdoor ground cover plants.

Higher humidity areas are much preferred by this vine, but it can be a medium for fungal and bacterial growth. Repotting is advised when it grows since it is a fast grower.

For more information on Tradescantia (Wandering Jew) plants, read further:

11. Spider Plant

Spider PlantPin


  • Botanical name: Chlorophytum comosum
  • Water requirement: Occasional
  • Sun exposure indoors: Bright indirect light
  • Care: Prune new sprouts from the plant if there are too many, as well as brown leaf tips from too much fertilizer. Feeding it with plant foods should only be done during the growing time.
  • Caution: Non-toxic to pets
  • Hardiness zone: 9-11

Classified as excellent in terms of air-purifying ability, spider plants prefer to be root bound in pots. The plant has green, long stems with beautiful, white flowers.

Spider plants prefer water spells after at least 50% of the soil is dry. They are tough vines since they can withstand long dry spells. The name openly implies its spider-like appearance.

12. Betel Leaf Plant

Betel leaf plantPin


  • Botanical name: Piper betle
  • Water requirement: Regular
  • Sun exposure indoors: Partial shade
  • Care: Prune regularly when the plant matures reaching 2m in height since it is a creeper.
  • Caution: Non-toxic and edible
  • Hardiness zone: 9-11

Betel leaf plant is famously known as ‘paan’ native to India. It has many medicinal benefits such as cough and colds.

It has green, heart-shaped leaves and white flowers. The plant is considered rare in Asia yet propagating and growing it is not difficult at all.

The plant enjoys warm, humid climates and becomes passive during winter. It is not a worry though because it grows active again during spring to fall.

13. Arrowhead Plant

Arrowhead plantPin


  • Botanical name: Syngonium podophyllum
  • Water requirement: Bright light, indirect sun
  • Sun exposure indoors: Frequent
  • Care: Fertilize throughout the growing season. Pruning is dependent on its growing purpose.
  • Caution: Toxic to cats, dogs, and human
  • Hardiness zone: 9-11

The name perfectly describes what the plant looks like. It is green and leafy with arrowhead-shaped leaves. trailing houseplants of Arrowhead does not flower.

The plant thrives in a highly humid place but not direct to any heat source. Arrowhead is a fast-grower, likes rich soil and well drainage.

Well-trimmed arrowhead can be placed anywhere in the house while the untrimmed can be a flowy hanging decoration.

Its leaves are the easy signal if watering is enough. Leaves droop when insufficient but instantly live up once watered.

14. Maidenhair Vine

Maidenhair VinePin


  • Botanical name: Muehlenbeckia complexa
  • Water requirement: Weekly
  • Sun exposure Indoors: Medium-light
  • Care: Apply liquid fertilizer monthly when in growth. Pruning of branches os necessary to keep the plant size in check. When you notice dead petals, prune immediately or it will drain the plant causing it to die
  • Caution: Non-toxic but fragile
  • Hardiness zone: 11-12

Maidenhair, also known as ‘Wire Vine’ is native to New Zealand and perfectly grows indoors. It has glossy, triangular leaflets called pinnae with tangled, thin stems.

It likes its soil moist and drains well. Humidity and temperature have to be constant, despite their adapting well to both climates.

But its preference tilts more towards high humidity, so it does not like to be drizzled with water.

15. Clematis

Clematis vinePin


  • Botanical name: Clematis spp.
  • Water requirement: Regular
  • Sun exposure indoors: Full sun
  • Care: Fertilize your clematis with water-soluble fertilizer and prune by removing the dead branches.
  • Caution: Toxic to cats and dogs
  • Hardiness zone: 5-9

Clematis is one fragrant plant that can bloom colorful flowers depending on the chosen variety. You may choose it as a table-top decor or as a climbing vine. Either, the beautiful appearance of Clematis is its strongest advantage.

It likes well-draining soil in a bright spot to grow without much problem. Aside from keeping the soil moist, Clematis needs little care.

16. Hoya Shooting Stars

Hoya multifloraPin


  • Botanical name: Hoya multiflora
  • Water requirement: Occasional
  • Sun exposure indoors: Bright light
  • Care: Feed the plant monthly and cut off the old stems to few inches only because the stem is where the new flowers will develop.
  • Caution: Non-toxic but large consumption by dogs and cats can make them ill
  • Hardiness zone: 10-11

One of the easiest to grow houseplants, Hoya Shooting Stars, is a climbing vine with thick, waxy leaves. The white-yellow flowers look like shooting stars from the sky into your indoor garden.

​This indoor vine plant prefers a bright and humid environment in well-drained soil. It can thrive without much watering but not in insufficient light. 

In some cases, they even do not bloom if not being supplied with a good amount of light.

Hoya plants are one of the few houseplants that can cope in direct sunlight. They also bloom very well under fluorescent light.

For more information on Hoya plants, read further:

17. Bleeding Heart Vine

Bleeding Heart VinePin


  • Botanical name: Clerodendrum
  • Water requirement: Regular
  • Sun exposure indoors: Bright light, indirect to sun
  • Care: Prune to encourage bushier growth and feed plants every 2 weeks; repotting is advised every year to pot size larger
  • Caution: Toxic to cats and dogs and small children
  • Hardiness zone: 9

A very catchy name, Bleeding Heart Vine is a green plant that produces bi-colored flowers of red and white. It is sometimes dubbed to be the bag plant. This plant is native to West Africa.

The plant prefers a highly humid area but normal household humidity is fine. During colder temperature, bleeding heart vines rest and goes dormant.

18. Wisteria

Wisteria SinensisPin


  • Botanical name: Wisteria sinensis
  • Water requirement: Regular
  • Sun exposure indoors: Full sun
  • Care: Vines are rapid-grower so prune them to keep under control; fertilize it every spring
  • Caution: Toxic to humans, pets, and livestock
  • Hardiness zone: 6-8

Hard of bonsai plants? W. Sinensis can be grown as one as the center table’s main décor. Wisteria plants bloom fragrant violet, blue or white flowers.

The plant does not only enjoy warm conditions but can thrive under direct sunlight too. Through fans in hotter climates, it does not get into the dry spots in the house, but rather the humid areas. Keep its soil damp but avoid making it soggy.

As support for its climbing nature, you may attach it to poles, stools, or other trellises.

Give Indoor Vines A Try

Growing vines inside the house are actually fun. Vines can grow tall in the corner, highlight the table, hang from the ceiling, or crawl up the wall and bookshelves. 

Most indoor vining plants are easy to take care of. To grow plants indoors you have to understand the surrounding environment of the plant versus outdoor planting.

According to the University of Illinois Urbana‐Champaign, popular indoor vining plants are philodendron or pothos.

Other popular indoor vining-type plants are Monstera plants or even the mini-monstera (rhaphidophora tetrasperma). These are ever so popular in every household. If you have a Monstera plant, you should check out our post on how to water monstera plants.

If you’re looking for a vining plant that also is great at air purifying, check out purple waffle plants.

With proper growth care, you can in turn benefit from its positive abilities.

Be extra careful if your household has furry friends because some vines aren’t as friendly as they seem. Indoor vine plants are a very vast category and above are a few of the house vines you can consider.

In the end, it can decorate your house naturally for that jungle-like welcome your target.

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