Chartreuse Epipremnum: Neon Pothos Plant Care

Key Takeaways

  • Neon Pothos is a vining houseplant that has heart-shaped leaves that are bright neon green.
  • Other names include Epipremnum aureum neon, Chartreuse Epipremnum, Ceylon Creeper, and Solomon Islands Ivy.
  • Neon pothos plants are relatively easy to care for:
    • The ideal temperature is between 50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit and if outdoors grows best in USDA hardiness zones 11a to 12b.
    • Bright, indirect light is the best for neon pothos to keep the leaves neon green and prevent leggy growth.
    • Water once every week or when the top few inches of the potting soil is dry.
    • Plant neon pothos in well-draining potting soil.

What is a Neon Pothos Plant?

Neon Pothos is a common vining houseplant that has heart-shaped leaves like other Pothos plants but has vivid neon-green leaves.

The neon green leaves make this pothos plant an attractive and vibrant plant that can brighten up your house.

A gene mutation can cause the neon pothos leaves to develop small patches of dark green.

Native to the Solomon Islands, the Neon Pothos has other names like Epipremnum aureum neon, Chartreuse Epipremnum, Ceylon Creeper, and Solomon Islands Ivy.


If you train this perennial vining plant to climb as a potted plant grown indoors, it can reach a height of 10 feet (3 m) and spread out to 3 feet (1 m).

It can grow bigger in an open spot in the outdoor garden if you are located in USDA hardiness zones 11a to 12b.

Since this is a vining plant, you can grow it in hanging baskets or let it climb upwards with a moss pole.

This flowering species will bloom during the summer and spring with green and white flowers.

This article includes everything a new plant parent needs to know about the houseplant care schedule of this vining Pothos.

How to Care for a Neon Pothos

Neon Pothos is one of the most popular indoor plants. It is an extremely easy plant to care for and maintain.

In order to properly care for neon pothos, it is best to understand their basic needs.

This article provides information on the types of light and temperature and tips for watering your pothos.


This plant is native to warm and humid climates; therefore, maintaining the right temperature and humidity is essential to growing it as a houseplant.

The best temperature range for Neon Pothos is between 15 and 35 degrees Celsius (50 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit).

Average household humidity is enough, but your neon pothos plant will definitely appreciate some extra effort from your side to deal with high humidity.

You can mist the foliage or utilize the pebble tray technique. But the easiest method is to grow it in a bathroom.



Bright, indirect light is the best for neon pothos, as it helps in avoiding leggy growth but keeps the bright green hue of the foliage.

The vibrant leaves thrive in partial sunlight, but this easy-care Pothos can also handle low light.

This is because of the natural habitat of the neon pothos plant, where understory plants like this one are exposed to partial shade and partial sunlight.

Keep an eye on the leaf color because if you see large dark green patches, your plant needs more light to maintain the original color.

Too much light or direct sunlight can burn the light-colored leaves.


Water neon pothos once every week or when the top 2–3 inches of the potting soil is dry.

However, if you want the leaves to stay lively and vibrant, you should water the soil regularly, as moisture is necessary for growth.

Make sure you water thoroughly without leaving the soil waterlogged.

It’s recommended to use a terracotta pot with a tray and drain holes to prevent watering issues.

Soil and Fertilizer


The neon pothos needs a loamy, well-drained soil mix that stays moist without flooding, meaning that excess water can drain from the soil easily to avoid root rot.

Pothos like organic soil, so they choose a chunky potting mix that allows air to flow.

All you need is three ingredients, and if you are a plant parent, you might already have these.

The three secret ingredients are perlite, orchid bark, and regular potting soil.

Your pothos will do just fine without fertilizers or plant food as long as the soil is rich in nutrients.

But if your mix lacks organic matter, you can add a balanced liquid fertilizer in the growing season.

Common Pests and Diseases

Mealybugs, spider mites, scale, and fungus gnats can attack your neon pothos and start munching on the bright green leaves.

All of these pesky pests will feed on the plant sap and spread throughout the plant. Timely treatment can save your plant from death.

There are several signs of pest infections, but the common ones are holes in the leaves, yellow leaves, brown leaf tips, or slow growth.

Isolate your plant and spray it with neem oil every few days until all the pests are killed.



Propagating neon pothos requires a few healthy stem cuttings. To avoid infection, clean your tools with rubbing alcohol.

Locate a vine with 2–3 leaf nodes and trim it with pruning shears or scissors.

Some gardeners prefer neon pothos propagation using water, while others like the safer method of using soil as a growing medium.

In both cases, it’s best to get rid of any leaves in the bottom portion to avoid leaf rot.

For quick propagation, apply some rooting hormone to your cutting.

Prepare the potting mix in a tiny pot or fill your glass jar with clean water and submerge your cutting in the growing medium.

For water propagation, you will see tiny fiber-like inch-long roots within 1-2 weeks.

You have to transfer the cutting to well-draining soil, but you can also let the plant grow in water if you can maintain a steady fertilization schedule.

For the cuttings growing in soil, you can slightly pull the cutting, and if you feel resistance, the cutting has developed a root ball.


If you are growing a pothos neon hanging plant indoors and do not want the long vines dangling in your house, you can prune the neon green foliage.

Avoid trimming healthy green leaves or new growth at the top. Start the pruning with yellow, brown, or old leaves near the base of the plant.


How often should you water Neon Pothos Plants?

You should water neon pothos every 7–14 days in the growing season (spring through summer). You can adjust this watering frequency in the fall and winter depending on the temperature and sunlight. A rule of thumb is to water it when the top few inches of soil are dry.

How big does a Neon Pothos get?

Neon pothos grown indoors can grow up to 10 feet when grown indoors. If grown outdoors, they can reach heights of 20 feet. To keep the plant under control, you may want to prune it once in a while.

How do you make Neon Pothos more neon?

The key to making the Neon Pothos more neon and with vivid green hues is getting the plant enough sunshine. Plant your neon pothos in a bright place that is not in direct sunlight. It is an epiphytic vine that climbs up native trees to get some sun in its natural habitat, so it can handle both lower and higher light levels. If there is not enough sunlight getting indoors, fluorescent lights may be used as an alternative.

Other pothos plants to Consider

The lime-green leaves of the neon pothos plants can grab everyone’s attention. This plant will complement other dark-colored houseplants.

Because it belongs to the same family as Golden Pothos, Neon Pothos is poisonous to humans and animals.

Epipremnum plants (pothos) are popular houseplants because they’re easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of environments.

There are many different Epipremnum types and varieties available, so it’s important to choose the right one for your home.

If you are looking for other types of pothos plants, read further for our posts on:


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