Epipremnum Aureum: Pearls and Jade Pothos Plant care

Pearls and Jade pothos is a popular houseplant that can grow as indoor plants.

It requires little care, but in this article, we will go over a few things you should keep in mind.

Some of the topics that will be covered in this article are things like making sure the soil is moist but not wet and giving your Pearls And Jade Pothos plant enough indirect sun or light shade.

What is a Pearls and Jade Pothos Plant?

Pearls and Jade pothos is a vining houseplant that belongs to the plant genus Epipremnum.

The pearls and jade pothos are perennial vines that were cultivated and patented by the University of Florida.

The original Epipremnum pothos is native to the tropical islands of the South Pacific.

There are many varieties of pothos, and several look remarkably similar to pearls and jade.

Some notable examples of other pothos cultivars are the Marble Queen pothos, N’joy pothos, Golden pothos, Neon pothos, and Manjula pothos.

However, the Pearls and Jade pothos are most often confused with N’joy and Marble Queen because they look so similar.

Compared to other pothos varieties, Pearls and Jade pothos are considered to be slow growers.

Fast fact: The Marble Queen pothos is the original parent plant that was used to breed the Pearls and Jade pothos plants.


Pearls and Jade are named after the swirling cream colors on heart-shaped green leaves that look like precious gemstones, hence the name pearls and jade.

Are Pearls and Jade pothos Invasive Plants?

Yes, Pearls and Jade pothos are invasive plant species.

They grow very easily and, combined with ideal growing conditions and a lack of pests, have fueled their spread in places like Sri Lanka, South Africa, and Hawaii.

In these places, they have escaped cultivation and are found spreading in natural areas near human habitation.

Always practice good gardening behavior and never dump cuttings or fragments of ornamental plants.


Similar to other members of the Arum family, the pearls and jade pothos are considered mildly toxic.

Use caution when handling the plant as skin irritation from the sap has been reported by some people.

In this post, we’ll discuss how to care for your Pearls and Jade pothos.

How to care for pearls and jade pothos

Pearls and jade pothos can thrive in a variety of lighting conditions, but they do best when watered regularly and kept in indirect light.

If your pearls or jade pothos start to look dry, it’s time to water them.

To propagate new plants, gently break off a stem from an established plant and place the piece into the soil.

Read on for more information on how to care for Pearls and Jade pothos plants.



The optimal light conditions for Pearls and Jade pothos plants are medium to bright indirect light; dimmed light levels are OK as well.

The pearls and jade plants will tolerate low light and fluorescent lighting.

However, considering it’s renowned for slow growth, you’re better off placing it somewhere it’ll receive bright light and have the best growth opportunities.  


Being tropical plants, Pearls and Jade pothos prefer temperatures ranging between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit (21-27 degrees Celsius).

If you live in a location where the temperature is in this range outside, you can certainly plant your Pearls and Jade pothos in your outdoor garden.


Water Pearls and Jade pothos plants when the soil is dry.

It is a good practice to always test the soil before watering and only water when the top few inches are dry. Water the plant less frequently in the winter months.

Pothos plants are one of the easiest houseplants to grow, but one thing that will kill them is overwatering.

The pearls and jade love high humidity, and while they can handle dry conditions, they’ll thrive with humidity. 



A great potting mix to grow Pearls and Jade pothos plants is a mixture of one part potting soil and three parts peat moss or coconut coir.

Alternatively, orchid bark seems to be a great additive to potting soil as it creates pockets of air so that any excess water can drain through and out of any drainage holes in the planter.

With that said, remember to keep the soil moist but not oversaturated.

All pothos are particularly prone to root rot, this one is no exception.

In order to prevent root rot, the potting mix is really important and must be well-draining soil.

Excess water will result in soggy soil, and your pothos will become unhappy.


You don’t really need to fertilize Pearls and Jade pothos, but during the growing season, a little once a month is a good amount.

Use a fertilizer suitable for houseplants and always follow the recommended rates.


The Pearl and Jade plants have slower growth in comparison to other pothos plants, so you shouldn’t need to prune often.

You’ll want it to keep a nice shape in a hanging basket or with a frame, so prune as needed.

Keep the stems you prune and use them to propagate new plants. They make excellent gifts.  



Propagating Pearls and Jade pothos plants is easy through cuttings. Y

You can use the stems you trim off when pruning, just make sure the section of the stem includes a growth node.

All you have to do is place the stem cutting into a jar of water and wait for the roots to grow.

Once you have an inch or so of root growth, you can transfer your baby pothos to a freshly prepared pot.

It rarely produces seeds, so seed collecting is generally considered improbable.  

Pest and diseases 

The majority of pests and diseases that affect the Pearls and Jade pothos can be managed and treated quite easily.

The main pests and diseases to look out for are spider mites, leaf spots, root rot, and stem rot. 


Parasites are most likely to spread onto your pothos from other house plants you have. Infestations of spider mites are the most likely pest you’ll encounter.

They’ll become obvious to you once you begin to see the little spiderwebs.

A severe infestation of these critters will kill your pothos, so keep them at low numbers by manually removing them or you will have to invest in a suitable insecticide.

Fungal pathogens 

Root rot is caused by a soil-borne disease, so it’s important to always use quality sterilized soil.

You’ll know if there’s a fungal rot problem when the leaves begin to yellow.

If you haven’t been overwatering, then you should inspect the roots for signs of rot (roots will turn black and become mushy).

A stem rot will be obvious on the parts of the stem closest to the soil.

If this part of the stem is rotting then the soil is contaminated with a fungal pathogen.

Treat all fungal infections in much the same way.

Remove any affected parts of the plant, apply a fungicide and repot in a sterilized soil mix. 


Taking care of Pearls and Jade Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is quite straightforward.

These plants are propagated through cuttings and thrive in tropical climates.

Do not overwater and use well-draining soil as jade pothos plants do not like waterlogged conditions.

Lastly, be careful of the sap that seeps out of the plant because it can cause skin irritation.

If you have any other questions, please let us know!


Is n’Joy pothos the same as pearls and jade pothos?

No, N’Joy pothos is not the same as Pearls and Jade pothos plants. They are different varieties but are incredibly similar in appearance. The main difference is in the leaf size, texture, and coloration. Pearls and jade pothos leaves are about 3 to 4 inches and have a papery texture with a less green color variation on the leaves. The leaves of the NJoy have more creamy white parts, whereas the Pearls and Jade have more evenly distributed gray, white, and green dark spots.

How much light does the pearls and jade pothos need?

Pearls and Jade pothos plants prefer  bright indirect light or low light conditions. Aim for a solid 10-12 hours of indirect light per day for best results. It is a trailing and climbing plant that loves partially shaded light or even artificial fluorescent lighting if you have it indoors. 

Does Pearls and jade pothos grow fast?

No, on a relative basis, Pearls and Jade pothos plants grow slower than other pothos plants. In general, pothos plants are invasive and spread rapidly; for each pothos vine, you can expect anywhere from six inches to six feet of growth per year. However, Pearls and Jade pothos will grow at the slower end of the spectrum. The positive of slower growth means less frequent pruning and it is, therefore, easier to manage indoors.

Other pothos plants to Consider

Epipremnum plants (Pothos) are popular houseplants because they’re easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of environments.

There are many different Epipremnum types and varieties available, so it’s important to choose the right one for your home.

If you are looking for other types of pothos plants, read further for our posts on:


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