14 Monstera Varieties to Grow In Your Home

What are Monstera Plants?

Monstera plants are popular houseplants due to their large and beautiful slotted leaves.

They come in many different varieties based on their leaf colors, sizes, and unique structure.

There are around 48 different species of this plant, and it is pretty hard to find them in a local nursery.

If you have got one, then you consider yourself very lucky.

These plants are native mainly to tropical areas. Among the 48 species, 45 of them blossom flowers.

These flowering Monstera may grow as climbing or creeping vines.

You will also see a unique characteristic to them: the production of aerial and ground roots.

The Monstera genus belongs to the Araceae family and produces blossoms with a fascinating central spadix and striking bract.

However, it is critical that you remember that Monstera plants contain calcium oxalate that is toxic for animals and people.

This article will mention the most beautiful Monstera species that can be a great addition to your indoor garden. 

For other related posts on other houseplants, please see our page on other types of houseplants to grow.

Related posts on How to Care for Monstera Plants:

14 Types of Monstera Plants to Grow

Before we mention the names of common Monstera plant varieties, you should keep two things in mind.

  • The genus is often misunderstood and misidentified. That’s why we will deal with the major species, including their varieties.
  • Many of these plants undergo a massive transformation as they mature. 

Monstera Deliciosa – Swiss Cheese Plant


This Swiss Cheese Plant is a magnificent species. It is heart-shaped, large boasting, dark green leaves have enhanced its beauty even more.

However, do not confuse this piece with other varieties, like Monstera pertusum and Monstera borsigiana.

You may also know this plant by its name – the Mexican Breadfruit plant.

The geniculum of this plant is around 30 to 60mm long [1].

You can find the Swiss Cheese plant mainly in Central America and Mexico.

These areas are where the plant is trendy.

Their maintenance requirements are very low, and anyone can easily grow them.

Growing Monstera deliciosa is an excellent way for beginners to start gardening.

Monstera deliciosa care guide

Requires very little maintenance, but occasional trimming is necessary to control the growth.

Soil type

Soils should be mixed with peat, and the pH should be slightly acidic (5.5 to 6).


It prefers indirect but bright light.

Temperature and humidity

Temperature around 65 to 85-degrees Fahrenheit is preferred. They enjoy humid conditions.


Water only when the soil dries.


Fertilizers should be applied in early spring.


Take a cutting with nodes and plant it in moist soil. You can also wrap the adventitious roots in wet moss.

Monstera Adansonii – Swiss Cheese Vine


This variety of Monstera is slightly smaller than Monstera deliciosa.

However, the holes in the leaves are large, taking more than 50% of the entire leaf area.

You can find them easily if you have a bit of knowledge about them.

But still, these varieties are often mistaken as Monstera obliqua and Monstera friedrichsthalii.

Take care to remember that the leaves of a Monstera adansonii are thicker than the obliqua.

You can also differentiate the leaves of Monstera adansonii from the heart-shaped leaves of deliciosa.

This vine plant is native to South and Central America and Mexico.

Monstera adansonii plants should mainly be planted on the balcony or in a hanging basket.

They can grow up to 20 feet if they receive sufficient space for climbing. So, it would be best if you were prepared for trimming them often.

You may also see this plant climbing the moss pole.

Monstera adansonii care guide

General care

It requires little maintenance, and it is easy to take care of.


It prefers well-draining, peaty soils that have slightly acidic pH.


They grow best under bright and indirect sunlight.

Temperature and humidity

Temperature between 60 and 80-degrees Fahrenheit and >60% humidity are great for them.


Water the plants when the soil becomes dry.


Feed them with a balanced fertilizer during spring and summer.


Take a cutting with leaves (including nodes) and keep it in water.

Monstera Borsigiana


This is a unique and common variegated form of the deliciosa species and is considered one of the most popular monstera varieties.

In local garden centers, you may know them by their common Monstera deliciosa name – the Swiss Cheese plant.

But do not make a mistake by choosing the wrong one. Look for their differences.

The Monstera borsigiana is similar to the Monstera deliciosa. So, there is a high chance that you may misunderstand choosing them.

Both of them have large and perforated leaves and aerial roots.

To distinguish the borsigiana, carefully observe the geniculum, the joint of the leaf, and the stem.

Deliciosa species has a wavy geniculum, while borsigiana has a typical texture. Also, deliciosa has relatively larger leaves than borsigiana.

Dark green variegated leaves have made the Monstera borsigiana a popular houseplant. Also, this variety is a friendly one to grow indoors.

Some of the common varieties of borsigiana are:

  • i) Borsigiana aurea
  • ii) Borsigiana variegata
  • iii) Borsiginia albo variegata

Monstera albo borsigiana care guide

General care

It requires little maintenance and is easy to grow.


Well-draining and mixed with peat.


Indirect, bright light works fine.

Temperature and humidity

The temperature should be between 60 and 80-degrees Fahrenheit, and humidity should be above 60%.


Water the plants only when the topsoil dries.


Fertilize them in early spring and summer with a balanced fertilizer once every two weeks.


Take a cutting with a sterilized knife/blade and keep it in water. Roots will come out after a few weeks.

Monstera Adansonii Variegata


Monstera adansonii is popular among many indoor gardeners because of the different variegated forms.

Remember that the variegated forms with yellow and white leaves need more light to survive because these leaves have less chlorophyll.

Also, it is mildly toxic like other monstera species, so you should keep it away from your pets.

In addition, it is a rare species of monstera; therefore, it may be pretty expensive. 

These plants are pretty easy to grow if you can supply them with abundant filtered or indirect sunlight.

To do this, you should place it in the north-facing window to receive sufficient, indirect light.

Gardeners may also face two common problems of adasonii variegata – leaf yellowing or browning.

Both of these issues will be observed if you overwater or do not water them appropriately.

Monstera adansonii variegata care guide

General care

They are straightforward to grow and require little maintenance.


Well-draining and fresh soil should be mixed with other substances like perlite, peat, or charcoal.


Indirect but bright sunlight for a more extended period.

Temperature and humidity

Temperatures between 65 and 80-degrees Fahrenheit should work well, and moderate humidity is acceptable.

To make the plant lusher, you should maintain a humidity >90%.


Water the plants thoroughly once every week, depending on the temperature in your region.


Feed them with a balanced fertilizer during spring and summer.


You can easily propagate them by putting a stem cutting in water or soil.

Monstera Siltepecana – Silver Monstera


Monstera siltepecana is similar to other monstera plants as it takes two forms in mature and juvenile plants.

Juvenile ones have beautiful leaves with silvery hue marks, as well as a dark green venation.

The leaves of a matured monstera siltepecana have small fenestration that stays near the central vein.

The leaves of this species look different in matured and juvenile forms.

During the matured stage, the leaves become more extensive, with holes near the midrib.

You can place a totem or a moss pole in the pot so that this plant can climb on something.

Like the other Monstera varieties, you can easily propagate it by stem cuttings.

Monstera siltepecana care guide

General care

It is not easy to find and quite hard to maintain.


Well-draining soil with some added peat moss.


Filtered or indirect sunlight.

Temperature and humidity

Temperatures around 65 and 85-degrees Fahrenheit work fine, and humidity should be above 60%.


These plants should never be kept under soggy conditions or standing water.


Feed the plants with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season once every week.


Cut a section of the stem and add it to the water or soil.

For more information, see our related post: Monstera Siltepecana (Silver Monstera) Plant Care

Monstera Pinnatipartita


Monstera pinnatipartita is native to the tropical rainforest areas located in South America.

This one is very rare but a beautiful evergreen species.

Many gardeners desire to grow this in their gardens.

The incredible thing is to watch the changing of the leaves as it matures. 

It would be best not to place it in direct sun as it may burn the leaves.

In addition, you should keep your pets and children away from this species as it is toxic and causes problems when ingested.

You can use totems to help monstera pinnatipartita climb and maximize growth.

As the plant matures, you will find it unrecognizable from the younger plant.

The leaf pinnation gets bigger and quickly covers an entire corner of a garden.

Monstera pinnatipartita care guide

General care

Reasonably easy to grow, as it does not require much attention.


Well-draining soil.


It can tolerate low light.

Temperature and humidity

The temperature should be between 65 and 80-degrees Fahrenheit, and moderate humidity can work fine.


Water the plants depending on the temperature and season.


Fertilize during spring and summer.


Stem or tip cutting is a popular method.

Monstera Thai Constellation


Thai Constellation monstera is a popular monstera species due to the beauty of the plant and its classic leaves.

You can plant monstera in your garden or in the living room to decorate it. 

The leaves of this plant have green and marbled cream patterns, and the cream-colored patterns make them look like a starry sky.

This is why it is called Constellation.

The Monstera deliciosa, or, as it is more commonly known, the Thai Constellation, is white-to-yellow variegated.

This variety was developed in a laboratory in Thailand.

The Monstera deliciosa is the plant parent of this Thai variation.

It thrives well in indirect, bright light, moderate humidity, and warm temperature.

Monstera deliciosa – Thai constellation care guide

General care

Requires little maintenance.

Soil type

Soils should be mixed with peat.


It prefers indirect but bright light.

Temperature and humidity

The temperature should be maintained around 65 to 85-degrees Fahrenheit. They enjoy humid conditions.


Water them depending on the temperature. It is better to water them when the topsoil feels dry.


Fertilizers should be applied in early spring.


Take a cutting with nodes and plant it in moist soil.

Related post: Monstera Thai Constellation Plant Care

Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata

14 Monstera Varieties to Grow In Your Home | UrbanOrganicYield.comPin

This albo variegata of monstera deliciosa is a fascinating evergreen. It is easy to grow, and it is a low-maintenance plant.

The leaves look attractive mainly due to their white, marbled colors. They are native to tropical forests.

This variegated form thrives well in partial or complete shade, which can be an issue for gardeners, but they will grow faster if you can place them in bright light.

Make sure they have sufficient space for their growth. It can grow around 3 meters in height.

They can climb to your ceiling using their aerial roots.

You can use a mixture of peat moss, soil, and perlite to plant them.

Monstera deliciosa albo variegata care guide

General care

They do not require too much attention to grow.


Soil should be well-drained and mixed with peat and perlite.


Bright light accelerates their growth.

Temperature and humidity

Temperature requirement is similar to the monstera deliciosa, but you should maintain high humidity (>70%) for them.


Water them only when the soil feels dry.


Feed them using a balanced fertilizer during spring.


Use stem cutting and plant it in moss.

Monstera Peru (Monstera Karstenianum)


Monstera Peru, or Monstera karstenianum is a little bit different than other Monstera species due to its leaf structure.

The leaves of this species do not contain any holes, and they have a deep green color with a beautiful spade shape.

Monstera Karstenianum is a sturdy species.

You can make this plant either a vine or bushy, depending on your demand.

They grow well in containers or hanging baskets if you can maintain them properly.

They are native to the wild environment, where they grow primarily in moist and fertile soil.

If you plant them in containers, the drainage condition must be good, and the soil should not be compacted.

Monstera karstenianum care guide

General care

Easy to grow in containers.


It should be well-drained, moist, and not compacted.


They prefer indirect, bright sunlight.

Temperature and humidity

The temperature should be around 65 to 80-degrees Fahrenheit, and humidity should be moderate.


Water it thoroughly once a week. The soil must not be soggy.


Fertilize every month during their growing season.


You can propagate it in both soil and water by cutting.

Monstera Dubia


This is a favorite species among many indoor gardeners because of its leaf structure, color, and maintenance requirements.

Also called the Shingle Vine or Shingle Plant due to its leaf structure, Monstera dubia is one of the most popular, but difficult to find, indoor monstera plants.

You can enjoy both the light and dark green colors of the leaves, though it is not a variegated form.

This is similar to a vining plant, as it grows like vines with short stems.

You will find them climbing on tree trunks in the wild.

Monstera dubia seems to be a tricky variety for people to find because it has another name – the Shingle plant.

The dark green leaves with a heart-shaped structure make it even more beautiful.

They do not produce fruit like the Mexican one. 

Monstera dubia care guide

General care

Easy to grow and does not require close maintenance.


The soil must be well-draining and mixed with peat or sphagnum moss.


They thrive well under indirect and bright sunlight.

Temperature and humidity

Temperatures around 65 and 85-degrees Fahrenheit and humidity >50% are considered ideal for this plant.


Water only when the topsoil feels drier.


A balanced fertilizer during spring and summer can be supplied.


You can cut the stem and put it in water or moss.

For more information on Monstera Dubia plants, read more:

Monstera Obliqua


Obliqua is native to South and Central America and has more holes compared to the leaves.

This one is also a climbing species.

However, remember that this plant grows very slowly and is very hard to find.

Also, you may find it quite hard to identify obliqua because it is often confused with adansonii.

To point out the difference, observe their leaves.

Obliqua‘s leaf holes are more prominent, and the leaves are thin.

Though monstera obliqua is indeed a beautiful plant, it requires high maintenance.

Also, due to their slow growth rate, many gardeners do not want to plant it.

You may have to customize the environment to make it favorable for monstera obliqua.

Monstera obliqua caring guide

General care

Requires high maintenance.


Well-draining and peaty mix.


Indirect but bright light should work, but avoid providing direct sunlight.

Temperature and humidity

You must maintain temperature and humidity accurately.

Temperatures should be warm (70 to 85-degrees Fahrenheit), and humidity should be >85%.


Water the plants when the soil feels dry.


Feed the plants with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season.


If you notice an aerial root, you can cut the stem with it. Then plant it in a potting mix.

Monstera Standleyana Albo Variegata


These variegated plants of monstera standleyana species are straightforward to grow.

The leaves are oval-shaped and relatively smaller (6 inches) than other plants.

The mature plants have deep green leaves with speckles, splashes, and cream, yellow, or white stripes. These colors have made the leaves attractive.

These types of Monstera are native to Central America.

Many people consider the standleyana plant a great climber plant, and they use it to decorate their houses.

If you are still a beginner in gardening, you can easily take care of this monstera variegata species.

Monstera standleyana care guide

General care

Very easy to grow and requires little attention.


It must be well-draining. You can mix coco peat or moss with the mixture.


Indirect or filtered sunlight.

Temperature and humidity

They prefer 65 to 80-degrees Fahrenheit temperature and moderate humidity.


Water the plants when the topsoil feels dry.


Feed them only in spring and in summer.


You can propagate them by cutting stems (must have the nodes).

Monstera Epipremnoides


When seeking out the monstera epipremnoides, people often mistake them with the adansonii species.

Epipremnoides is the bigger version of adansonii, for it has a huge leaf size and many holes.

It is an evergreen flowering plant with a distinctive property – spadix, covered by a spathe.

This species thrives well in moist soil and bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight for a prolonged period can burn the leaves, while soggy soil can cause root rot.

You may also maintain a moderate humidity level in your room using a humidifier. 

Despite the shared focus for the care of not overwatering or putting it in direct sunlight, it does not have any pests or diseases.

Monstera epipremnoides care guide

General care

Easy to grow.


Soils should never be soggy or wet.


Bright and indirect sunlight.

Temperature and humidity

The temperature should be around 55 to 80-degree Fahrenheit, and humidity must be moderate to high.


Beware of the soggy condition. Water the plants when the surface feels drier.


Fertilize the plants once every month during spring and summer.


Use stem cuttings and place them in soil for propagation.

Rhaphidophora tetrasperma (Mini Monstera)


Although it does not belong to the genus, this species has a common name, which is Mini Monstera. It is a popular indoor plant.

It is an entirely unique species that originated in Southern Thailand and Malaysia. 

Due to their small sizes, Mini Monstera is considered one of the greatest houseplants.

They can be considered ornamental indoor plants due to their active growth and beautiful shape.

If you have a large living room and can provide proper living conditions, they can decorate the entire room solely. 

If you ever notice yellow leaves, make sure that you are watering this plant correctly and not getting direct sunlight for long periods.

For more information, see our related post:

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma: How to Grow & Care for Mini Monstera Plant

Mini Monstera care guide

General care

It requires less maintenance and is very hardy.


Soil should be well-drained. Soggy soil can kill this plant.


Bright indirect light or filtered sunlight is fine.

Temperature and humidity

This plant tolerates a temperature of around 60 to 85-degrees Fahrenheit, and the humidity level should be above 50%.


This species thrives well in moist conditions but is not soggy.


Use balanced fertilizer to feed this species during the growing season.


Cut a stem using a sharp knife and place it in the soil. The cutting must include a node.

Common Problems and Pests of Monstera Plants

You will notice a few common problems among the Monstera species.

  1. Leaves may become yellowish, brownish, crispy, or may fall – This  means that the plants are thirsty. You should increase watering. The brownish or crispy condition may also indicate salt stress (higher levels of salts).
    In the latter case, you should reduce fertilizer frequency or repot the plant.
  2. Black stems and yellowish leaves – This indicates that the soil has too much water. It may cause root rot.
  3. Leafy spots or discoloration – These indicate the presence or attack of Monstera pests.
  4. Though these species are resistant to different pests, a few of them are more susceptible. Some of the common pests are:
    • Mealybugs – These are very common pests that gardeners face. You may experience their disturbing invasion, which is quite hard to control.
      These white bugs cause discoloration of the Monstera leaves.
    • Scale insects – They look like mealybugs and draw water from the leaves and deposit poison.
    • Spider mites – You can find them mostly on the underside of the leaves. They cause discoloration as well.
    • Thrips – They are small white insects and create brown spots.


We hope that this article will help you pick the right plant for your garden.

Remember that all parts of this species contain a toxic substance named calcium oxalate (in crystal forms).

That’s why none of these parts should be consumed and handled without gloves.

Monstera fruit (Mexican breadfruit) is known to have a flavor, which is a combination of pineapple and banana.

This fruit is considered edible when cooked or fully ripened.

If it is ingested improperly, then you may suffer from digestive upset or severe burns.


  • [1] Fonseca et al. (2020). A Comparison of Monstera Deliciosa and M. Tacanaensis, With Comments on Monstera Section Tornelia (Araceae). Journal of the International Aroid Society, 43(1-2):32–73. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344377658_A_comparison_of_Monstera_deliciosa_and_M_tacanaensis_with_comments_on_Monstera_section_Tornelia_Araceae
  • UConn Home and Garden Education Center. (2020). Monstera deliciosa. University of Connecticut Extension, Home & Garden Education Center. URL: https://homegarden.cahnr.uconn.edu/factsheets/monstera-deliciosa/
  • Oxford Plants 400. Monstera deliciosa Liebm. (Araceae). University of Oxford, Department of Plant Sciences. URL: https://herbaria.plants.ox.ac.uk/bol/plants400/Profiles/MN/Monstera
  • Rauch, F. (revised by Hensley, D). (1997). Monstera. Ornamentals and Flowers, Issue June 1997, Vol OF-5. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Cooperative Extension Service. URL: https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/OF-5.pdf

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