Monstera Adansonii: Caring for Swiss Cheese Plants

What is a Monstera Adansonii Plant?

The Monstera adansonii is commonly known as the Swiss cheese plant, Swiss cheese vine, monkey mask, and five-holes plant. Some also call it Adanson’s Monstera.

It is closely related to Monstera Deliciosa, but botanists think that the holes are an adaptation of the plant to compete with other plants for sunlight.

There are about 45 flowering plant species in the Monstera genus, but the unique feature of Monstera adansonii is that it has more holes than any other Monstera plant.

These leaf holes allow the Adansonii plant to spread over a wider area without consuming energy to grow a fully developed leaf blade.

Monstera-Adansonii hung on the wall as a decorationPin

There are two variations of the Monstera adansonii. There is the (i) Monstera adansonii round form and (ii) Monstera adansonii narrow form.

Both forms have fully developed holes in their foliage, but the leaf shape differs between them.

Narrow-form leaves are elongated with the end leaf tips pointing more to one particular side, whereas the round-form is more expansive and features classical heart-shaped leaves.

Achieving maturity takes approximately two to three years of growth.

This plant has both climbing and trailing growth habits. To help it grow outwards, install a moist moss pole support or trail it in hanging baskets.

If you let Swiss Cheese plants grow outdoors, they will reach a mature height of 10 to 13 feet.

As an indoor potted plant, the plant matures to a height of 3 to 8 feet. In general, most Monstera plants can spread up to 3 feet.

Monstera adansonii’s growing season is in the Spring till Summer.

How to Care for Monstera Adansonii Plants

The Monstera adansonii Swiss Cheese plant is simple to take care of both indoors and outdoors.

Read on for general care tips so that your Monstera adansonii can thrive.

Temperature and Climate

a cute cat looking at a potted Monstera AdansoniiPin

This tropical perennial is native to Central and South America.

So, high temperature and humidity are a must for this tropical variety as these impact plant growth directly.

The optimum temperature range is 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 26 degrees Celcius). Monstera adansonii will struggle in temperatures lower than 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celcius).

Avoid keeping it near drafty doors or windows.

Maintain the minimum humidity level of 50%. You can consider growing in a bathroom where average or high humidity is available.

Misting or humidifiers are also great options to raise the humidity.

It will thrive outside in USDA hardiness zones of 10 to 12.


Because the Monstera adansonii grows under the shade of large trees in the native habitat, it will thrive under bright, indirect light.

Excessive direct sunlight exposure can scorch the foliage, but it can handle 2-3 hours of the morning sun.


You have to keep the Monstera adansonii moist in the growing season for maximum growth.

To ensure your plant is never overwatered, check the top one inch of soil with your fingers. If the soil feels dry, your Monstera is ready to be watered.

As an indoor plant, watering once a week is enough, but this frequency can change based on light and temperature levels within the house.

Water the soil deeply by adding water until its starts trickling from the drainage holes at the bottom.

Related post: How Often Do You Water Monstera Plants?


beautiful Monstera Adansonii resting in the gardenPin

Monstera plants require a moist but well-draining potting mix.

Plant Monstera adansonii in a peat-based mixture. This type of mixture will retain moisture, but the drainage properties will not allow soggy soil.

You can also add orchid bark to the soil.

It would help to maintain the soil pH between 5.5 to 7 to optimize the soil.

You can grow it from seeds as well; sow the seeds in a moist seed-starting mixture.

The pot should have a drainage hole at the bottom to drain the excess water.

The soil should not stay waterlogged for too long, or the Monstera adansonii plant will suffer from root rot.

If you are looking to buy some new potting soil, for what it’s worth, we always rely on is this houseplant potting soil. It’s nothing special, but it works for all our indoor plants – plus, it’s inexpensive.

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Fertilize this Swiss Cheese vine in the growing season, ideally once a month, for healthy growth.

Use a nitrogen-rich or all-purpose slow-release fertilizer to help it grow more leaves. Dilute the fertilizer by half strength to eradicate the risk of fertilizer burns.

Alternatively, you can use a slow-release fertilizer. We use this slow-release fertilizer. It’s super simple to use, and you don’t need to worry about it once you set it in the soil.

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While repotting, make sure the new container is large enough to accommodate the root ball.

Usually, a pot 2 inches more significant than the root ball is enough because it will not increase the risk of overwatering.

Avoid reusing the same pot or soil as it cannot trap moisture efficiently.

This Swiss Cheese vine can be repotted every two years to make room for new growth as it’s a fast-growing variety.

It’s best to replace the potting mixture with fresh soil every year.


a man propagating Monstera Adansonii using water bottlePin

Monstera adansonii propagation uses stem cuttings or the root division method. Most plant owners prefer stem cuttings since it’s easier and takes less time.

You can either use pruned stems or take new cuttings from the mother plant by trimming for propagation. Make sure the cutting is 4-6 inches long.

Dip the lower end of the cutting in a rooting hormone powder.

Remove any leaves in the lower region because this part will be buried in soil or water depending on your choice of growing medium.

The newly propagated cutting should be placed in warm temperatures and bright filtered sunlight.

Keep the soil moist to ensure the cutting can root faster and produce new leaves.

This stem cutting will have an established root system as leaves emerge within a few weeks, and you can transfer it to a bigger pot.

Root division is carried out by dividing the root ball into multiple sections. Each of these sections can be repotted into a separate pot.

Propagate your Monstera plant in the Spring season to ensure young plants have a better chance at recovery.

Related post: How To Propagate Monstera Plants: 3 Methods


The bright green leaves of these jungle plants need regular pruning to keep this fast-growing variety under control and maintain the desired plant size.

The best time for pruning is in the Springtime but make sure you use disinfected gardening tools.

If the leaves turn yellow, you can prune to remove dead or damaged leaves any time during the year.

Monstera adansonii care includes protecting it from fungal diseases and spider mites.


Can Monstera Adansonii grow in low light?

It can adapt to low light levels, but it’s not recommended as it slows down growth. The leaf will start to discolor, and hole formation will be delayed. Direct sun should also be avoided to grow the happiest plant.

How do you make the Adansonii bushy?

Pruning this vining plant regularly can help you achieve a bushy appearance. Do this once a year in the Spring season. You can start the process by getting rid of discolored or yellow leaves.

Is Monstera Adansonii toxic?

The plant sap for the Swiss Cheese plant is moderately toxic because of the calcium oxalate crystals, so keep it away from the pets and small children in the house.

Other Monstera Plants to Consider

There are many varieties of Monstera houseplants. If you are looking for another type of Monstera plant, check out our other related posts:


The best way to care for this Monstera adansonii is by replicating the natural environment and growing it in a hanging basket.

Remember that too much light or direct light can impact the overall appearance.

Remember to check out other Monstera plant species such as Monstera Obliqua, Monstera Deliciosa, and Monstera Borsigiana.


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