Table of Contents
- 1 What are Sedum Succulent Plants?
- 2 Beautiful Sedum Varieties for Your Garden
- 2.1 Sedum Herbstfreude
- 2.2 Sedum Angelina
- 2.3 Sedum Album
- 2.4 Sedum Divergens
- 2.5 Sedum Erythrostictum
- 2.6 Sedum Morganianum
- 2.7 Sedum Nussbaumerianum
- 2.8 Sedum Spurium
- 2.9 Sedum Rubrotinctum
- 2.10 Sedum Makinoi ‘Ogon’
- 2.11 Sedum Rupestre
- 2.12 Sedum Mexicanum
- 2.13 Sedum Ternatum
- 2.14 Sedum Adolphii
- 2.15 Sedum Reflexum
- 2.16 Sedum Tetractinum
- 2.17 Sedum Sunsparkler
- 2.18 Sedum Dasyphyllum
- 2.19 Sedum Acre
- 2.20 Sedum Clavatum
- 2.21 Sedum Ewersii
- 2.22 Sedum Cyaneum ‘Rosenteppich’
- 2.23 Sedum Sarmentosum
- 2.24 Sedum Kamtschaticum
- 2.25 Sedum Sexangulare
- 2.26 Sedum Caespitosum
- 2.27 Sedum Cauticola
- 2.28 Sedum Spathulifolium
- 2.29 Sedum Integrifolium
- 2.30 Sedum Spectabile
- 2.31 Sedum Versadense
- 3 Sedum Caring Guide
- 4 FAQ
- 5 Conclusion
- 6 References
What are Sedum Succulent Plants?
Sedum plant varieties are well-known for their star-shaped flowers and beautiful variegated leaves.
People may also recognize this plant by another name: Stonecrop.
Due to their unique and hardy characteristics, you can grow them in any gardening design or even in bad soil or under full sun.
There is a large variety of Sedum species, but before you choose them for your garden, you should choose the variety that fits in your area.
These plants require very little attention, and they can thrive in any condition, even where other plants can’t normally grow.
Different Sedum varieties have different heights. Some may reach up to 8-centimeters, while some may grow 3-feet tall.
Most of the varieties are shorter and used as ground covers.
Looking for other types of succulent plants? Read further about the:
- Various Types of Succulents (with Pictures) to Identify What You Own
- Trailing and Hanging Succulents to Grow
Beautiful Sedum Varieties for Your Garden
Sedum Herbstfreude
Sedum Herbstfreude or Autumn Joy Sedum is an award-winning variety of Stonecrop. They are very adaptable.
They produce beautiful pink colored and star-shaped flowers from August to November. These flowers attract butterflies.
These plants can reach up to 2-feet tall and have succulent leaves and stems. They are mainly grown in rock gardens with other ornamental grasses.
Autumn Joy Sedum grows well in moist and fertile soil under full sun. However, it is drought tolerant like the other varieties.
You may prune them, but pruning will delay their flowering process. To accelerate their blooms, you can fertilize them during their blooming time.
Apply phosphorus and potassium during this period. You can also grow them in containers or hanging baskets.
Sedum Angelina
Sedum Angelina is one of the most beautiful Sedum varieties because of its golden leaves.
These Sedum plants have a similar characteristic to Sedum reflexum or Sedum rupestre. They are drought-tolerant, and they grow faster.
When it is cold during late fall and early winter, the beautiful golden leaves turn bronze. During the summer, you will notice the beautiful yellowish flowers.
You can grow them in hanging baskets or in your rock garden.
These plants grow well in partial shade or full sun, but keeping them in too shady of an area can be the cause for losing the bright colors.
They thrive well in sandy soils. Also, the soil nutrient status doesn’t seem to be a problem.
Remember, this variety, and most other Sedum varieties, cannot tolerate clay soil as this soil becomes waterlogged easily.
Sedum Album
Sedum album is locally known as White Stonecrop. This variety produces beautiful white flowers during the summer and acts as an effective ground covering even for your rocky or sandy garden.
Compared to the other varieties, Sedum album grows slowly, and it may reach up to 3- to 6-inches.
Due to this height, they are considered taller varieties of Sedum. The foliage is green and grows densely. The light fragrance of the flowers attracts pollinators.
This Sedum variety grows best under bright light or in full sun. Although they can tolerate the light shade, they don’t grow in shady areas properly.
Since these plants are drought tolerant, you don’t have to worry about watering and feeding. Irrigate them deeply occasionally.
Generally, they don’t require fertilizers. Still, if you want to fertilize them, please apply in a small amount.
Sedum Divergens
Sedum divergens is popular mostly because of their bright yellow flowers. They are known as spreading or cascading stonecrop.
People grow them in their gardens or indoors, mainly due to their amazing flower colors. Like the other varieties of Sedum, this species is considered a ground covering species, and it can grow up to 4-inches tall.
Sedum divergens can grow well in the heat, and in poor soils. They will form a beautiful dense mat on your garden floor with their fleshy, bright green leaves.
The flowers that bloom during the summer months are a very calming, yet attractive yellow. You may feed them with phosphorus-rich fertilizer during their flowering season.
It is a fast-growing variety, and it is easy to propagate. While growing them indoors, make sure that the soil is sandy and well-drained.
Sedum Erythrostictum
Sedum erythrostictum is one of the most attractive varieties of Sedum. Locally, they are known as Sedum Frosty Morn because of their spectacular flowers and creamy foliage that is spoon-shaped.
The stem of this species can reach up to 12-inches tall, which is quite taller than other Sedum varieties.
This species blooms from late summer to the fall. The flowers appear mostly in white and pink colors.
You should grow this variegated Sedum plant under full sun to partially shady areas. These Stonecrops grow well in well-drained soil.
Avoid using heavy soil when preparing the potting mix. Be careful about the watering process because these plants will die in stagnant conditions.
You may fertilize them with a balanced organic fertilizer during the spring.
Sedum Morganianum
This Sedum variety has a unique shape. They are neither a ground cover species nor an upright Sedum. Sedum morganianum is a trailing species, and it looks like a donkey or burro’s tail.
This is why this variety is also known as Burro Tail or Donkey Tail. This perennial succulent can reach up to 24 inches long.
The foliage has a beautiful blue-green color, and the leaves may turn pale green leaves depending on the stage of the plant.
During the summer months, this plant produces reddish-purple flowers.
This species prefers bright shade. You can supply morning sun as it is less intense. Intense sunlight can cause the stems to change color.
Since these plants are succulents, you don’t have to water them too often.
Overwatering can cause root rot, so you should avoid watering this plant when it isn’t needed. You can fertilize this plant during its flowering season.
Sedum Nussbaumerianum
Sedum Nussbaumerianum is also known as Coppertone Stonecrop due to its unique color combination. This is a slow-growing perennial Sedum species.
You will love the beautiful bronze-green rosettes, which make them different from the other types.
The fleshy rosettes are long, and the color changes depending on the amount of sunlight intensity it receives.
In shady areas, it may change to an impressive yellow-green color.
The flowering stems may spill out of the container when this plant becomes mature.
They produce clusters of whitish flowers, which have a light fragrance. They are drought-tolerant, like most other varieties.
Since these plants are easy to grow and don’t need much attention, you can easily grow them in your garden. Place your newly planted Sedums in a partial shady area.
Sedum Spurium
This variety of Sedum is also known as Dragon’s Blood Sedum. Their green leaves edged by a reddish-purple color gives them a unique look.
Only a few Sedums are as beautiful as this one. The glossy green leaves, along with the red flower heads, enhance the beauty even more during the late summer.
They can be grown as ground covers. These plants can reach up to 10-centimeters tall.
You can place this variety under the full sun because it can make the color more intense. You can grow them in rock gardens, as they don’t require many nutrients or a lot of water to thrive.
A gardener can either grow them indoors or outdoors. They will grow happily in both conditions. They are not able to survive the cold winters.
You should move them indoors if the temperatures fall below 65-degrees Fahrenheit.
Another variety of Sedum spurium is the John Creech sedum. A John Creech sedum is an exceptional low mat-forming cultivar of sedum.
It thrives in hot and sunny areas. The John Creech sedum has dark green leaves and has clusters of brilliant pink blossoms in summer.
Gardeners usually will plant John Creech sedums as a grass substitute over small to medium areas of landscaping.
These plants will endure harsh soil environments just as long as the water drains well. Cut or prune back the sedum during the springtime.
Sedum Rubrotinctum
This Sedum variety has beautiful fleshy succulent leaves. They are well-known by their other names, such as the Jelly Bean Plant, Pork and Beans, Banana Cactus, or Christmas Cheers.
The colors may change depending on the season. For example, this variety turns color to red during the summer.
It is regarded as protective physiology. During mid-spring, they produce bright small yellow flowers.
This plant is mostly grown as an ornamental plant. You may plant them in your garden, or even in containers.
It can tolerate all soil types, except poorly drained soil. This variety grows well in rock gardens.
Remember that it is not frost tolerant and it is considered slightly toxic, although it looks very pretty.
Sedum Makinoi ‘Ogon’
Sedum makinoi ‘Ogon’ is a beautiful Sedum variety and a popular houseplant. It has tiny, bright green foliage and forms as a ground covering.
It may reach a maximum of 2=inches tall and spread to more than 12-inches wide.
You will see the golden leaves if you keep them in partially shaded areas. Due to its amazing leaf color, it is also called the Japanese Golden Sedum.
During the summer months, they produce fascinating yellow flowers.
This low-growing plant requires little maintenance and prefers a partially dry moisture level in the soil.
You can plant them in well-drained soil that can hold the moisture well. Once they become established in that spot, you can reduce the watering frequency.
Sedum Rupestre
Sedum rupestre is an attractive variety of Sedum and is also known as Lemon Ball Sedum because of its green and yellow foliage.
It is a ground covering Sedum species. You will find them often in Central America and Mexico. It has a similar appearance to other varieties, and that’s why people often confuse it with Sedum angelina.
A combination of yellow star-shaped flowers with light green leaves enhances the beauty even more.
This species is quite hardy and doesn’t require much attention. These creeping Sedums may grow up to 6-inches tall and spread up to 18-inches.
You can easily grow them with your indoor garden plants. If they receive a favorable condition, they will grow happily and spread very fast.
You may grow them under light shade as well, but under the full sun, their light green foliage will become fleshy.
Sedum Mexicanum
Sedum mexicanum is similar to the Sedum rupestre as both of them have similar light green foliage. It is also known as the Lemon Coral Sedum.
This evergreen perennial produces yellow flowers during the summer. Like the other plants of Sedum, this variety is also drought tolerant. Its leaves are pointy and may reach up to 1-inch tall.
Sedum mexicanum can be a perfect ground cover for your rock gardens as they form a dense carpet. You may also grow them on your green roof.
Growing this variety with other flowering plants will enhance the beauty of your garden.
You don’t have to worry about watering these plants too frequently as they store water in their leaves.
Sedum Ternatum
Sedum ternatum is a popular type of succulent. It is commonly known as Whorled Stonecrop, Three-Leaved Stonecrop, or even Wood Stonecrop.
This evergreen perennial succulent spreads rapidly. This native sedum is found in the Missouri area. It grows mainly in damp locations, more specifically along the stream banks.
This variety grows up to 6 inches tall. They are not winter hardy. Hence, there is a high chance that they may die of frost.
During the spring, you will see beautiful white flowers with a star shape above the leaves. This plant grows happily in rocky conditions.
Gardeners can place this variety in both sunny and partially shady areas. Unlike other plants, this variety prefers moist conditions.
So, make sure that the area stays moist. Once they get established, you can easily propagate them.
Sedum Adolphii
Sedum adolphii is another amazing variation of Sedums. It is commonly known as Golden Sedum or Golden Glow due to its impressive golden rosette foliage.
This variety grows up to 8-inches tall and produces white flowers during the late winter and spring. You may call this variety a cousin of the Sedum Nussbaumerianum.
This variety grows well under the full sun. Make sure that you supply them with at least 6 hours of sunlight.
Remember that intense sun can turn the foliage to a reddish color. Its water demand is the same as other succulents, and it becomes dormant in summer. Sedum adolphii is a fast-growing succulent.
Don’t overwater this plant, as it can be harmful to the plant.
Sedum Reflexum
Sedum reflexum is also known as the Blue Spruce Sedum because of its amazing blue-green leaves. This Sedum variety is an evergreen perennial succulent. It can reach up to 8-inches tall.
Like a few Sedum varieties, Sedum reflexum is considered a fast-growing plant. The Blue Spruce Sedum forms a dense mat and acts as a ground covering.
A gardener can easily grow Blue Spruce Sedum in the garden.
Blue Spruce Sedum grows well under full sun, and in well-drained soil. However, this variety can also tolerate partially shady areas.
Since they are a drought-tolerant species, you don’t have to water them too frequently.
Occasionally, you can feed Blue Spruce Sedum with liquid fertilizer during the spring, but don’t apply too much fertilizer as it can weaken the plant.
Sedum Tetractinum
Sedum tetractinum is one of the most popular and attractive Sedum varieties. You may also know them by their other names – Coral Reef or Chinese Sedum.
They can be a great addition to your indoor garden plants or green roofs. Like most other Sedum varieties, Sedum tetractinum is also a ground-covering plant.
They may grow 4-inches tall and 12-inches wide. The deep green foliage with a pink border enhances the beauty of this variety.
Light pink flowers bloom on this variety from July to August, and this is the perfect time for fertilizing them.
They thrive well in well-drained soil and a medium to dry moisture level. However, they can also stand with partial shade.
Never water these plants too much. These ground cover varieties can be propagated by following stem cuttings.
Sedum Sunsparkler
Sedum Sunsparkler is commonly known as Dazzleberry and is an amazing variety with unique characteristics.
Like the other Sedum varieties, it also forms ground coverage with blue-green leaves. This variety doesn’t have tall stems. They can grow approximately 8 inches tall and 1.5 feet wide.
The most interesting thing about this variety is its blooms. You will see the purple-pink flowers in late summer.
You can grow them in strawberry pots or in hanging baskets. These drought-tolerant plants grow well in sandy soils and under full sun.
If you want to prune them, then you may remove their dead or damaged branches. It will make them look cleaner. You can also fertilize them slightly during their flowering season.
Sedum Dasyphyllum
This is yet another beautiful frost-tolerant Sedum variety. Corsican Stonecrop is another name for Sedum dasyphyllum. They have beautiful blue-green leaves.
Due to its color, many people often confuse it with the blue spruce sedum. It may grow 5 inches tall. Unlike most other varieties, Sedum dasyphyllum goes dormant during the summer.
You may either plant this ground covering variety outdoors or in green roof gardens. It doesn’t matter where you plant them, they will form a dense mat.
The fleshy foliage color may change depending on the location you grow them. You can easily propagate it by using the stem cutting method.
These perennial succulents have creeping stems, and you will find the whitish flowers in the summer.
Sedum Acre
Sedum acre is also known as Gold Moss Stonecrop. Many people often confuse this species with Sedum Angelina because their flowers have yellow petals and similar appearances.
These Sedum varieties can grow 3-inches tall but may spread 24-inches wide. This is why Sedum acre is considered as an interesting ground covering.
Since this plant is easy to grow, you should give it a try. Plant them in a sunny and well-drained spot, if you plan to grow them outdoors.
Also, growers should not be worried about its water demand because this variety is drought tolerant, and gardeners may irrigate them once a week.
This species produces flowers throughout the entirety of summer.
You can fertilize the plant during the flowering season. But remember that you should not fertilize them too much, as it may damage or weaken the plant.
Sedum Clavatum
This is another Sedum variety that has a rosette shape. This type of succulent grows in a dense format and has long stems.
During the late spring, they produce beautiful, white flowers. These plants are often grown in rock gardens to enhance their beauty.
Like most other succulent plants, you should protect Sedum clavatum from frost. If it receives a favorable condition, then it may grow up to 6-inches tall.
This evergreen plant can be a great ground covering. You may plant it in a hanging basket as well.
Also, look for the tips of the foliage as it is a good indicator of plant stress. We advise you to keep this Sedum variety in a sunny spot.
It grows actively during the cooler season, but not in temperatures where it may frost. You can fertilize this variety during the cooler season.
Don’t forget to grow them in well-drained soil.
Sedum Ewersii
Sedum ewersii is an impressive succulent because of its mesmerizing color. It is also known as the Pink Mongolian Stonecrop.
They are native to the Himalayan areas and grow at a higher elevation. It is a low-growing succulent that can grow only 4-inches tall.
You may notice the pink flowers in late summer.
This succulent variety prefers full sun, but it can tolerate lightly shaded areas in hot summer.
Remember that keeping them in shady areas for a longer period can reduce their growth.
Also, you don’t have to grow them in nutrient-rich soil, but you should grow them in well-drained soil.
Overwatering and stagnant conditions can kill these beautiful succulents.
Sedum Cyaneum ‘Rosenteppich’
Sedum cyaneum Rosenteppich is a beautiful variety of Sedum cyaneum. This plant is a low-growing type and spreads very fast.
The foliage has a blue-green color combination and the star-shaped flowers appear in rose-pink colors.
Due to all these color variations, they look wonderful during their blooming season. Like the other succulents, it stores water in the leaves.
This variety doesn’t require much attention. People mainly grow them as a ground cover in their gardens.
You may grow them under the full sun, but not in intense sunlight. If everything goes well, the flowers will bloom during late summer.
They thrive in moist soil but make sure it is not soggy. During the summer months, you should water this plant moderately.
Sedum Sarmentosum
Sedum Sarmentosum is also called Graveyard Moss, Gold Moss, or Stringy Stonecrop. It is a beautiful perennial succulent of Sedums.
In a mild climate, this plant stays green. It is considered one of the most invasive varieties of the Sedum genus.
You may also grow this type in containers, and it is a better idea because of its invasive nature.
While growing them in containers, make sure that the soil is not too heavy. They grow well in sandy soil and rot in soggy conditions.
Water this variety carefully. Fertilize this plant during the growing season, but don’t apply too much fertilizer because it can accelerate its growth even more.
Lastly, make sure that the plant receives a minimum of six hours of sun.
Sedum Kamtschaticum
Sedum kamtschaticum is a Russian Stonecrop, which has deep green leaves and produces star-shaped, golden yellow flowers.
These flowers appear mainly during the late spring. When these flowers become mature, they turn to bronze.
This fast-growing plant can be a great addition to the border area of your garden. Sedum kamtschaticum grows up to 6-inches tall.
The dark green foliage of this succulent variety will add beauty to your garden. Make sure that you grow them under full sun to maintain the deep green leaves.
Otherwise, the foliage will lose color. The dry and soak method for watering is considered the best technique to irrigate them.
Mature plants can tolerate drought conditions more effectively than younger ones.
Sedum Sexangulare
Sedum sexangulare is commonly well-known as Tasteless Stonecrop. It is also a popular perennial succulent like the other Sedums.
Many people often confuse it with Sedum acre as both of them have similar appearances. Remember that Sedum sexangulare has denser and shorter leaves.
Due to its unique six spirals in the leaves, it has gained a six-angular name.
These varieties may grow around 4- to 5-inches tall. People plant these varieties as ornamental plants.
You should plant them in a sunny location that has well-drained soil. It produces yellowish-white flowers in mid-summer.
You may plant them in your green roof gardens as well. Use a well-drained potting mix to grow them indoors.
Sedum Caespitosum
Sedum caespitosum is also called Broad-Leaved Stonecrop. This plant is considered ideal for arid regions.
Like the other varieties, its slow-growing nature makes it a good choice for It may reach up to 2 to 4 inches in length. The flowers are star-shaped and have a pink-red color.
Growing these succulents is extremely easy due to their lower demands.
Like other varieties, the leaves change colors depending on the amount of light they receive. They cannot grow in waterlogged conditions.
Make sure that you water them when the topsoil becomes dry. If you grow them in a container, then you may repot them once every two years.
Sedum Cauticola
Sedum cauticola is an attractive ground-covering Sedum that has impressive, bluish leaves. You may see pink flowers in late summer.
The color of these flowers may range from pink to a wonderful carmine red. They grow easily in rocky areas or in poor soils.
People love planting these succulent varieties mainly because of their leaves and flowers.
Sedum cauticola are very easy to grow, and they don’t require much attention. They are drought tolerant like the other Sedum types.
So, you should not worry about watering. Make sure that they receive full sun and 6 hours a day of it, at least.
During the late summer, you may feed them phosphorus and potassium to boost their flower production.
Sedum Spathulifolium
Sedum spathulifolium is a species that is widely known as broadleaf Sedum, Yellow Stonecrop, or Colorado Stonecrop.
This evergreen flowering succulent is native to North America, and you may find them in rocky or mountainous areas.
These succulents may grow up to 4-inches and they produce a beautiful mat of rosettes.
The flowers of Sedum spathulifolium have yellow petals and appear on the erected stems. One can easily grow this variety of Sedum in their garden.
They enjoy the full sun but tolerate shady spots as well. This hardy plant can even withstand temperatures as low as 5 degrees Fahrenheit.
Unlike most Sedums, this type becomes dormant during the winter.
Sedum Integrifolium
Sedum integrifolium is also known as Sedum Little Missy because of its impressively small size.
In addition to this, they have beautiful, variegated leaves. If you ever notice a succulent with variegated leaves, then remember that the variety can tolerate the shade.
If you place them under the full sun for a longer period, then they will lose their variegation.
This ground cover plant may grow 2-inches long. During late summer, they produce pink flowers.
Try to plant them in well-draining soil, where they prefer to thrive. You may also grow them on retaining walls to enhance the beauty of the landscape.
Water this plant deeply when the topsoil seems dry.
Sedum Spectabile
Sedum spectabile is also known as Hylotelephium spectabile, which is a succulent flowering plant. You will find them in abundance in Korea and China.
Locally, it is known as the Butterfly Stonecrop, Showy Stonecrop, or Ice Plant. This is a taller variety, as it can grow to be around 18 inches tall.
The leaf margin seems too smooth with a serrated tip.
Sedum spectabile produces star-shaped pink flowers from summer to early fall. Growing this variety indoors is quite easy.
They grow best in full sun, and you won’t have to water them too much or fertilize them all that often.
You can fertilize them during their blooming period. Lastly, make sure that the soil has one of the better drainage systems.
Sedum Versadense
Sedum versadense is one of the most beautiful Sedum varieties. It has bright green rosettes that have a light reddish-cream border.
These are taller varieties than the other Sedums. The pink flowers appear in late summer and look very pretty.
This species grows happily at normal temperatures, and like the others, Sedum versadense is not cold or heat resistant.
While growing this variety, you should be a little careful about the temperature and light.
Since there is variegation in the leaves, you should supply them with 4 to 5 hours of sunlight.
The morning sun can be a good supplement for them. We suggest you plant them with your other indoor garden plants. This plant is drought-resistant, so you don’t have to water it too frequently.
Sedum Caring Guide
Sedums have low requirements and don’t need much attention to grow.
If you are growing them indoors, then you must focus on their light and water requirements. In this section, we will take a look at their basic demands.
Sedums prefer growing under full sun, and 6 hours of sunlight is considered ideal. There are a few species that can withstand partial light.
Remember that you should keep the variegated varieties under partial shade or they will lose the variegation. Don’t place them in the more shaded areas.
Sedums usually grow in poor or rocky soils that lack nutrients but have better drainage systems.
Avoid clay soils to grow these plants because these soils retain too much moisture, which can cause root rot.
Sedum varieties are drought tolerant, but they still need water to grow. Most of these plants become dormant in the summer months and grow actively in the winter.
Therefore, you should water them more frequently during the winter depending on the temperature and soil condition.
During the summer months, you should reduce the watering frequency. The dry and soak method for watering is the best technique to water these succulents.
Remember that you should never water them too deeply because the stagnant condition may kill them.
Temperature and Humidity
In general, Sedums can withstand a range of temperatures, though temperatures above 90-degrees Fahrenheit may burn those beautiful leaves.
In addition, they can tolerate a higher humidity level as well.
These succulents love growing in poor and rocky soil. They don’t need a nutrient supplement, but if you want, you may supply a balanced fertilizer to feed them during their growing and flowering season.
We suggest you use organic fertilizers like compost or vermicompost for this purpose. These fertilizers will release the nutrients slowly.
This is why you don’t necessarily have to worry about fertilizing them.
While growing them in containers, you should try to plant them in a 7-centimeter-deep container.
The reason behind this is that, according to a study [1], most Sedum varieties show greater growth when the substrate depth ranges between 7- to 10 centimeters.
Are Sedum plants toxic?
Sedum succulents are typically deemed non-toxic to pets and people. Sedum leaves, often known as bittercress, have a moderately peppery, bitter taste. There are a few succulents that are toxic, but sedum is not one of them. If there is any reaction, though, skin irritation is the most common symptom.
Are Sedums good ground covers?
Yes. These plants are excellent ground covers. Due to the fact that sedums retain moisture in their leaves, they are particularly well suited for dry environments. Despite the fact that they spread themselves over the ground rapidly, sedums are not invasive, and their roots make them easy to move, making them great ground cover plants.
Are Sedums annual or perennial?
Sedums are perennial succulents. It is the succulent foliage of sedum plants that varies in size from small needles to bigger mushy leaves, and in color from green, grey, and purple to blue-even variegated! Butterflies and bees are attracted to them. And, best of all, they are perennials, which means they will return year after year.
Do Sedums like shade or sun?
The majority of Sedums like to grow in full sun, however, they may also thrive in the mild shade if given the opportunity. Despite the fact that Sedum doesn’t need much water, they will develop their finest colors if they receive at least six hours of direct sunshine every day. Keep in mind that the amount of sunshine you provide should be determined by their variegations. The soil must be thick, mucky, or contain a lot of clay for them to thrive.
Can the Sedum plant survive in winter?
Sedums are succulent plants that are very resilient and can withstand the harsh winters. When it comes to winterizing plants, it is frequently preferable to ignore them rather than over-care for them and risk causing harm. Sedums in pots may be grown either inside or outdoors. Pruning should be done in the spring to promote new growth.
These Sedum kinds are among the most attractive available, and we hope that this guide will assist you in growing these Sedum variations in your yard with other garden plants. Providing that you can plant them in well-drained soil in a sunny position, they will flourish and thrive.
Lindsey Hyland grew up in Arizona where she studied at the University of Arizona’s Controlled Environment Agriculture Center. She continued her gardening education by working on organic farms in both rural and urban settings. She started to share gardening tips and tactics. She’s happy to talk about succulents and houseplants or vegetables and herbs – or just about anything in a backyard garden or hydroponics garden.