How Often To Water Jade Plant? Overwatering or Underwatering Tips

Miniature, low maintenance, easy care – what more could you ask for?

Jade plants are popular because they require minimal watering and just the right amount of sunlight. But determining when and how often to water jade plants is a common concern.

For example, what does ‘minimal’ mean? How often do you actually need to water a jade plant? Are you puzzled about whether your jade plant is drowning or begging you for water?

You’re reading the right article! On this page, I will explain how often your jade plant needs to be watered. I’ve also compiled other essential aspects you will encounter in watering a jade plant.

With the right instructions and methods and a little bit of experimenting, you can even pass down your jade plant for generations to come.

But first, you must understand the plant and its common issues. Let’s start!

What Is A Jade Plant? Know Your Lucky Plant

Crassula Ovata Or Jade Plant and Crassula ovata hybrids (like Crassula ovata ‘Gollum’)Pin

First things first, let me introduce you to what’s known as the money or lucky plant.

No matter what type of jade plant you have, it is a succulent known for its longevity. Its vibrant green leaves are considered symbols of growth, renewal, wealth, and prosperity. 

A jade plant is an example of a succulent houseplant that is easy to grow.

Given its nature, jade plants are resilient and may be grown as landscape plants.

Jade plants can grow into jade trees and live for up to five to seven decades when properly maintained.

There are many varieties of Crassula Ovata, but generally, they are compact and rounded plants that have glossy, elliptic-shaped leaves.

It has brown, thick, and woody stems.

Some jade plants may develop a thick, scaly trunk, which gives them a tree-like appearance.

The Problem With Jade Plants

How Often To Water Jade Plant (Overwatering, Underwatering, TipsPin

Here’s the catch, jade plants do not like to be overwatered.

Besides, overwatering can lead to a high chance of rotting at the base. Jade plants can thrive even without much water.

On the other hand, an underwatered jade plant may cause some jade plants to drop leaves or get leaf spots.

Too little water may lead to the plant’s roots drying out.

Keep in mind that the roots will get water and nutrients from the soil.

The soil needs to be soaked with water, but it must immediately be drained as well.

Fungus gnats or benign mushrooms grow when the soil has too much moisture.

Another thing you should watch out for is bugs on the stems and leaf joints.

Mealybugs and spider mites can also cause black spots or even eat away the jade.

Putting alcohol on a cotton ball or swab can exterminate the pests.

How Often Should I Water My Jade Plant?

You’ve probably experienced how watering could sometimes be frustrating, right?

People drink water whenever they feel that their throats and mouths are dry, especially in warmer environments. Watering is the same as any other succulents.

As a rule of thumb, water your jade plant at least every seven to 14 days.

But If your jade is in a higher light, and you water it every other week, it may start dying because it’s not getting enough water you need to water it every week.

Your jade plant will need more frequent watering during the growing seasons of spring and summer to keep it healthy.

In contrast, jade plants need hardly any water during the cool winter months.

Yet, they still need water at least once a month to keep the leaves from shriveling.

  • You must not let a jade plant dry out completely. However, do not water a jade plant too often, as this can cause root rot. The key is to encourage the roots to grow downward for water, not towards the surface.
  • Do not water your jade plant when the soil is still wet. Furthermore, only soak the soil if the pot has good drainage to ensure that the pot won’t sit in water. If you are using a drip tray or cache pot, make sure to dry it out too.
  • Outdoor plants are likely to be watered more often because the airflow outside helps evaporate water faster.
  • Succulents planted in the ground don’t have to be watered quite as often as succulents in pots, because the soil stays cooler and doesn’t dry out quickly.

Creating a schedule of when you will water your plant can make things complicated.

In fact, it can either lead to an overwatered or underwatered jade plant.

Rather, you can know whether your jade plant needs water by checking if the top of the soil is dry.

Similarly, you can stick your finger an inch into the soil or as far as you can (you may also use an actual stick) to feel any moisture.

A soil moisture gauge can also help you monitor the moisture level.

In general, succulents survive in completely dry soil for five to seven days, especially if they have well-established roots.

As your jade plant grows and starts to have more well-established roots, you can gradually cut back on watering.

I have found that the frequency of watering isn’t the only factor you should consider.

In the next parts of this post, I will explain why other matters such as sunlight, temperature, soil, choice of pots, and location can dictate how often your jade plant needs water.

What Can I Use To Water My Jade Plant?

A small watering can with a long sprout can do the trick.

Other tools you can use to water your jade plants are self-watering globes or spikes.

These are especially helpful as they can help you maintain a regular schedule and mitigate any over-watering issues.

Another option is to use a self-watering planter.

They drain well and they water your plant automatically. No need to worry again about when you have to water or how much.

The plant will effectively retrieve the right amount at all times.

We have been using this self-watering pot and we love its simplicity of it.

How to Save Overwatered Jade Plants?

Too much water tends to kill succulents faster than too little. Overwatering can cause the stems to rot and be mushy.

Consequently, a mushy stem can cause the leaves to rot and fall off.

  • Remove the saturated soil from the roots and fill the pot with fresh soil.
  • Use a clay pot with good drainage holes to help the soil dry.
  • If it’s still not working, you can cut off the stem a few inches above the rot and then propagate the jade plant.
  • Clear the drainage holes of any debris.

trim your leggy jade plant?


The appearance of your jade plant’s leaves is also a good determiner of when you must water it.

Leaves can store heaps of water but will flatten out and get a little less hard as the plant uses the water.

Well-watered leaves look plump and convex on both sides.

Avoid splashing water on the leaves, because this may cause rotting.

  • The leaves of unstressed succulents are green, while stressed leaves are vibrant or muted colors.
  • Don’t fret when you see the tips of your leaves turning a shade of red. It means you’re doing a good job of making the plant happy and exposing it to a lot of sunlight.
  • Translucent yellow or brown-colored leaves are also signs of overwatering.
  • Finally, it’s likely that your jade is rotting when its leaves are turning black and falling off.  

How Much Sunlight Does My Jade Plant Need?

Can your jade plant survive direct sunlight?

Of course! If you want your plant to grow strong and thick, expose your jade plant to sunlight for at least four hours a day.

I recommend placing your jade plant next to south-facing windows so it can receive plenty of daylight without being exposed to excessive amounts of sunlight.

If your jade plant still lacks sun exposure, you may consider using a grow light.

You might be wondering why your jade plant is becoming taller.

The amount of sunlight your jade plant receives is a critical aspect of its survival.

As a result, jade plants tend to stretch out when it’s not getting enough light.

Be careful though since the leaves and stems are full of water.

Jade plants are sensitive to sunburn, which can cause leaves to turn yellow and brown.

Hence, severe sunburn may be fatal to jade plants.​

Propagating Jade Plants from Leaves and Stem Cuttings

Propagating Jade Plants From Leaves And CuttingsPin

Propagating is another way of both saving and growing a jade plant.

Jade plants can easily be propagated from stem or leaf cuttings in slightly moist, well-drained soil.

It is advisable to use a stem cutting that is two to three inches in length and has at least two pairs of leaves.

Moreover, even those pieces that break off from your plant can be propagated.

Make sure that the stem is still green inside and dry it out before trying to root it. What can really help is using some rooting hormone.

Using rooting hormone increases the odds of roots sprouting exponentially.

Jade plants can grow up to five feet tall, so it’s better to transfer them to a pot that can accommodate the size you are achieving.

  • Do this only when the soil is dry. Place the pot in a warm place with indirect light.
  • Do not water the cutting until you see signs of new growth – like roots finally settling and recovering – for about a week or so.

The warmer months of spring and summer are the best times to propagate jade plants.

Warm and humid, but a well-ventilated environment, is ideal for growing roots.

If you want your jade plant to flower, hold back water and place it in cooler temperatures.

Winter and early spring can also help your jade plant bloom with tiny white flowers.

If properly repotted, succulents require minimal maintenance to survive indoors.

Yet, it doesn’t mean you have to rely on its natural ability to absorb sunlight and water.

Like every other living thing, plants need care and assistance as well.

Pruning A Jade Plant

There’s no need to regularly prune your jade plant, except when you want to give it some upright shape or control its size.

I usually do this to remove dying jade plant branches, but I do not prune more than one-third of the plant’s height.

Don’t worry, the plant will naturally branch out at the spot where you trimmed them.

Other Factors To Consider When Watering A Jade Plant

Proper Temperature for Jade Plants

Jade plants can handle most varying temperatures with the exception of freezing temperatures.

It does best in daytime temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 24 degrees Celsius) and nighttime temperatures of 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 13 degrees Celsius).

During winter, temperatures normally drop, which could kill your jade plant.

If you can, bring your plant indoors and water it once or twice a month.


Jade Plant In WindowPin

If your place doesn’t hold a lot of humidity, your jade plant may dry out quickly.

You might have to water every five to seven days. 

If you live in a more humid place, you may only need to water once every other week, or less. 

If you think having more humidity is suitable for your jade plant, I suggest misting the leaves in the morning so they can still dry out before the cool evening.

Fertilizing Your Jade Plant

I use a balanced water-soluble fertilizer.

It’s recommendable to feed your jade plant with an organic fertilizer sparingly or about once every six months.

Add succulent fertilizer only when the soil is damp because dry soil can damage the plant. 

Meanwhile, overfertilizing can make lead to salts building up in the soil – which can also burn a jade plant.

We have recently tried this fertilizer that is pre-measured and is slow-release.

We think this is brilliant because you don’t need to think about how much or when.

Just add this succulent fertilizer to your plant and boom – your fertilizer will slowly release without you worrying about how much to put in or possibly burning your plants.

What Kind of Soil Do Jade Plants Like?

Remember that succulents need their roots to dry quickly.

Regular potting soil usually suffices, but it stays wet too long.

If you’re using well-draining succulent soil, you can water a little bit more than if you’re using normal potting soil. 

You may also opt for a fast-draining mixture or modify a normal potting mix with an inorganic agent like perlite and pumice to increase drainage.

I have discovered that a mixture of sandy loam, organic matter, and peat moss provides a good growing environment. 

We suggest not messing around with the potting mix and getting premium pre-mix succulent soil.

We have used succulent soil mix before and our jade plants have done very well in it.


Large pots retain more water. I recommend using clay or ceramic pot that has a good and effective drainage hole.

To prevent root rot, do not place the bottom of the pot directly in the water.

I know I’ve already mentioned this before, but a self-watering planter that has drainage is the best of both worlds.

If you don’t get a clay or ceramic pot, we suggest getting self-watering pot.


Lastly, plants need to be trimmed. You may put waterproof wood glue on open cuts to prevent infections.


How Often to Water Jade Plants?

Hoyas may be grown both indoors and outdoors, although they are generally kept as houseplants. Hoyas thrive in full sun, partial shade, and under patios in warmer climates. In southern, colder zones, they may endure more winter sun. They do need sunlight to flower. There is a better chance of them flowering in the morning sun or partial shade. If you grow them indoors, you should rotate them every few months to provide even lighting.

When Should I Not Water Jade Plants?

It is not recommended to water your jade plant on a routine basis. Instead, only water your jade plant when the soil on top feels dry to the touch. If your jade plant is losing leaves or developing leaf spots, it is most likely due to a lack of water in the environment. Do not water your jade plant when the soil is still wet or damp. This will lead to a root rot issue.

What Type of Soil To Use for Jade Plants?

A loose, rocky soil that drains well is ideal for jade plants, as is the case with the majority of succulent plants. It is critical to have enough drainage since too much moisture might create damp roots, which may lead to root rot. When growing jade plants, avoid using all-purpose potting soils that are commonly available.

How Much Sun Do Jade Plants Need?

In order for the jade plant to thrive, it needs enough light—at least 4 hours every day. During the growth season (spring and summer), keep the soil moist but not damp. Do remember, the hotter the temperature is, the faster your soil will dry out, so you’ll need to water more.


As you can see, a jade plant may be cared for by both beginner and experienced gardeners.

Simply water jade plants on a regular basis when the soil is dry, every seven to fourteen days, or as needed.

Keep in mind that your jade plant will need more regular watering throughout the growing seasons of spring and summer in order to maintain its health and vitality.

How Often To Water Jade Plant to keep it alive Overwatering, Underwatering, TipsPin


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