Types of Haworthia Succulents: 10 Most Common Varieties

What are Haworthia Succulent Plants?

Haworthia is one of the largest genera of succulents. Most of the species belonging to this genus are native to the South African region.

Two of the most common haworthia plants are the Haworthia fasciata and the Haworthia attenuatais. Both look very similar but have slight differences.

However, they are both commonly known as Zebra Plant, Zebra Haworthia, or Zebra cactus – even though they are succulents, not cactus plants.

The leaves have similar appearances to aloe plants, but they have beautiful white stripes that aloe plants do not have.

Haworthia succulents are impressive and little in shape. Thus, people prefer having them as houseplants.

People living in the summer region keep these succulents indoors or plant them in the garden, while in a cold region, these plants should be kept indoors.

For more succulent plant ideas, see our related post:

Types of Haworthia Succulents to Grow

In the Haworthia genus, there are more than a hundred species, and their classification is quite complicated.

The core differences among the species are the size and the orientation of white stripes displayed on the leaves.

We suggest you buy the variety that seems the most attractive to you.

Here, we will mention some of the easiest and best-looking Haworthia to grow as your garden plants.

Haworthia Cooperi


Haworthia Cooperi is an attractive species due to its unique appearance. It is a rare variety that comes up with a rosette formation and bulbous leaves.

It often looks like green-tinted marbles, and the glassy surface creates a mesmerizing view. 

These plants are easy to grow and small in size. You may use them for decorative purposes. People grow Haworthia cooperi as houseplants in ceramic containers. 

It grows well under full or partial sun. If you keep them indoors, then keep them on a south-facing window.

Even if you do not place it there, it will grow happily. This is why these varieties are so popular among gardeners.

These Haworthia succulents require sandy soils with excellent drainage to grow. You may use perlite or pumice in the mixture to enhance the drainage system.

These plants are not heavy drinkers. They can survive in drought conditions pretty well.

For more information on how to care for Haworthia Cooperi plants, read more:

Haworthia Fasciata


Haworthia fasciata plants are usually small. The leaves have a triangular shape with beautiful dark green colors and white stripes.

This flowering plant produces its flowers from  October to November.

Many people often confuse it with Haworthia attenuata, which is also grown as an indoor plant.

Haworthia attenuata has more rough-edged leaves, while Haworthia fasciata has stouter leaves and tends to have an inward curvature.

Haworthia fasciata is a rare species. You may easily distinguish it if you have sufficient knowledge about the colors and patterns.

However, both plants are considered Zebra Plants, Zebra Haworthia or Zebra cactus, although they are not cactus plants, rather succulents.

Related post: What’s The Difference Between Cactus And Succulents?

These plants grow well in direct light like other species of Haworthia. They can also tolerate low light, which makes them an excellent houseplant.

These species are not affected by diseases and pests too often. Due to its low requirements, many beginners can try planting this in their houses.

These species have a drought-tolerant and robust root system that develops well even in dry conditions.

Haworthia Cymbiformis

Popular Types Of Haworthia Succulents To Grow-Haworthia-CymbiformisPin

These great tiny plants come with impressive rosette forms. Many gardeners grow these stemless, little succulents as houseplants.

The rosettes may grow a maximum of 8 cm tall and 10 cm wide. Leaves look fleshy and have a pale green color.

Each leaf is around 5 cm long and 2 cm wide. 

Growing these cymbiformis species is extremely easy, like other species of Haworthia. They can tolerate direct light.

This small plant also grows in partial shade. Try choosing a cactus potting mix as it has an excellent drainage system.

If you want to prepare one for yourself, you should mix pumice, perlite, and other gravels with the soil.

Like other succulents, these species do not prefer wet and soggy conditions. The damp condition causes root damage.

Haworthia cymbiformis are cold-hardy as they can survive even in temperatures between 30 and 50-degree Fahrenheit.

For propagation, remove the baby plants from the mother plant when they develop the roots.

Haworthia Cooperi Var. Picturata


Haworthia cooperi var. picturata is a fascinating succulent, which is stemless. It seems attractive mainly due to its vigorous, large clumps.

This variety of H. cooperi is not so challenging to grow. If you can keep an aloe plant alive, then you will also maintain this variety.

You can distinguish Haworthia cooperi from var. picturata by its leaves. Picturata’s leaf has tiny thorns on the edges and translucent tips.

Place these plants under bright light as their requirements are similar to other succulents. Direct sun can cause discoloration of the leaves.

It would help if you watered evenly in summer, but before watering, make sure that the soil is dry. Never allow the water to rest on the rosette.

Reduce watering frequency during the winter. They can tolerate as low as 50-degrees Fahrenheit.

While growing these plants, use cactus mix. You may also prepare it by yourself. To do this, you can use perlite, pumice, and gravel.

Fertilize during the growing season with a balanced cactus fertilizer. There is no need to feed them in winter.

Haworthia Attenuata


Haworthia attenuata is also known as Zebra Haworthia, Zebra cactus, or just Zebra plant.

It is a small species of succulents that are mainly grown as ornamental plants.

This evergreen plant has short leaves with a rosette format with a 6- to 12-cm diameter. The leaves have white tubercles and are tapered.

In wild areas, these species grow in large clumps. You may also grow them indoors due to their hardiness and drought tolerance.

As we discussed earlier, you should not confuse it with Haworthia fasciata, which looks quite similar.

A significant distinction can be noticed in the leaves, which are not as fibrous as H. fasciata. 

The leaves of this species are longer and thinner, like aloe plants. Like other succulent species, it prefers growing in well-drained soils.

Use the cactus mix to improve the drainage system. They grow well in bright light, but you may also keep them in low light.

Intense and direct sunlight for a prolonged period can turn the leaf color white.

Haworthia Retusa


Haworthia retusa is a perennial species with triangular leaves that have a rosette formation. Since it is a flowering plant, it produces small white beautiful flowers.

You may easily recognize this variety by the curved shape of the leaves. In addition, the leaf-top area is quite shiny.

It generally grows densely in the wild, while in cultivation, it forms amazing clumps.

The natural habitat of Haworthia retusa is flatter terrain and lower hills.

The close relative of this species is considered Haworthia turgida, which grows in rocky areas, mountainous, and steeper terrain.

You can distinguish them by observing the clumps. 

This slow-growing plant grows well in both indirect or direct light (not too intense sun).

The white flowers of H. retusa may appear in early summer or late spring.

Like other species of Haworthia, it can tolerate cold as H. retusa can survive even at 50-degrees Fahrenheit.

Water the plants properly because excessive moisture can kill them. Use a well-drained potting mix for planting this species.

Haworthia Limifolia


These compact and charming succulents are also known as Fairies Washboard. Haworthia limifolia does not usually exceed 4-inches in containers.

Hence, it can be a great addition to your desk or window sill.

Haworthia limifolia is not like other common species. It grows quicker, more prominent, and in rosette format.

The leaves are triangular-shaped with ridges. The varieties of this plant have dark green to light leaves. You may also notice spiral and slightly curved effects.

These plants grow well in brighter light. It can tolerate semi-shade areas. It would be best if you kept them in a south-facing window while growing as a houseplant.

It will ensure that your plants are receiving optimal sunlight. Move them indoors if you notice white or yellowish leaves.

This plant can not tolerate frost. If you live in a cooler climate, try to move them indoors.

This species shows similar morphological nature as aloe plants.

The extraction from the leaves of Haworthia limifolia offers antimicrobial activities against some selected fungal and bacterial strains [1].

Haworthia Obtusa


Are you familiar with the green marble balls?

These balls have made many of our childhood memories.

Haworthia obtusa has a similar appearance to those balls. 

The leaves are not pointy or long like aloe but fleshy, plump, and compact. They are trendy houseplants.

Surprisingly, you may find a few varieties of Haworthia obtusa. Some of them have a light green color, while others have a bluish tone in the leaves.

Growing these plants indoors is both rewarding and easy.  You can easily give them a healthy look by supplying the right amount of light and water.

Indirect sunlight works best for them, and too much sun can cause discoloration of their foliage.

Never overwater them as it can damage the roots. Also, try to maintain a low humidity level.

To prepare an ideal soil mixture, use perlite, pumice, gravel, soil, and cocopeat to improve the overall condition. They prefer a neutral soil pH.

Haworthia Truncata


This is quite a unique variety of Haworthia and is generally recognized as horse’s teeth.

You can find these succulent plants in the east of the Western Cape, South Africa, and Little Karoo.

The height of Haworthia truncata is around 2 cm, and the width is 10 cm. One may quickly recognize this variety by its rectangular leaves.

In the wild, these plants are generally half-buried. You may notice only the truncated tips of the unique leaves.

The white flowers are not too showy. Haworthia truncata grows best under semi-shade or direct light.

They can withstand a small amount of frost but never keep them outside when it falls below 41-degrees Fahrenheit.

The ideal range is considered between 75- and 90-degrees Fahrenheit.

Like other succulents, overwatering may kill these plants. During the growing season, you may water sparingly.

Water when the topsoil seems dry. During winter, you do not have to water them regularly.

Haworthia Coarctata


Haworthia coarctata is a slow-growing, beautiful succulent with attractive, dark green foliage.

The stems of this variety are long, and the leaves have a curvy shape. Despite its unique appearance, you may confuse it with Haworthia reinwardtii.

Remember that the coarctata variety has broader leaves.

They prefer growing under the bright sun, but intense sunlight can turn purple to pink for a prolonged period.

Make sure that the plant receives six hours of sun regularly. This plant is easy to grow in containers.

It produces green flowers in the Summer months. The flowers do not have any fragrances.

Since they are succulents, you do not have to think about watering. Let the soil dry before watering.

Stagnant water on the leaves can increase the chances of rot. During the Summer months, supply the plants with succulent or cactus fertilizer.

Haworthia Plant Care and Requirements

Haworthia plants are small, slow-growing, and one of the hardest plants to kill. They form beautiful rosettes of fleshy leaves, which have white pearly bands.

This design gives them a unique appearance. You may purchase them as potted plants from the garden store.

Also, try to plant them in the early Spring or Summer.

Like other succulent plants, Haworthias are extremely easy to grow. You do not have to worry about their maintenance, which is not so required.

Make sure that you are supplying them with adequate sunlight and moisture. In terms of fertilizing, always fertilize them in spring, when they grow actively.

Let’s take a look at their major requirements.



The species belonging to the Haworthia genus prefer bright light. It is okay if you provide them with direct sunlight for a few hours.

In their native areas, you will find them mainly growing in shady spots.

They can withstand the morning sun, but solid and intense light may burn the foliage in the noon.

White, yellow, or red leaves indicate too much sun. If you notice faded colors, move the plants to sunny areas.

While growing outdoors, gardeners can place them in sheltered areas instead of full sun.

If you have pots, then it is better to put them in the west-facing window to receive bright indirect light.


Like other succulents, Haworthia is best grown in well-drained soils.

Before you plant them in a container, make sure that the potting mix is not clayey because clay soil has poor drainage.

Mix gravels, perlite, pumice, sand, coco peat, and other organic materials to prepare fresh soil with an enhanced drainage system.

You may also use cactus potting mix for container plants. Make drainage holes if the container does not have them.



Excess soil moisture can cause root rot and death to your stunning Haworthia plants. Rinse them when the topsoil seems dry.

During the summer months, water them once every week while reducing the frequency of watering in winter.

Avoid overwatering Haworthia species.

Temperature and Humidity  

Haworthia plants grow best in warm and dry conditions. The temperatures should be between 70- and 95-degrees Fahrenheit.

They can tolerate as low as 50-degrees F in Winter. However, beware of the frost as these species may suffer from freezing injury.

Moderate humidity is fine, though it is not required. They prefer growing in dry climates.


The fertilizer requirements of Haworthia are similar to other cactus species. They grow slowly.

That’s why we suggest you fertilize them during Spring and Summer. Over-fertilization causes leaf burn.

Common Problems of Haworthia

Pest Problems

These plants are generally free from most pests, but mealybugs can be a serious culprit.

It can damage the attractive shape and size of the leaves and eventually may cause death.

The only disease problem that these succulents have is root rot. Root rot is caused by a poor drainage system or standing water. 

Other Problems

  • Symptoms – Leaves curling and dry soil

Cause – Your plant is thirsty.

  •  Symptoms – Yellow Leaves and wet soil

Cause – Root rot.

  • Symptoms – Red or brown tips

Cause – Soil compaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Haworthias need full sun to grow?

These plants grow best under bright light. Direct sun in the afternoon can burn the leaves during Summer.

How big do these plants grow?

These Zebra plants may reach up to 6-inches.

How often should I water Haworthia species?

Water them once in a few days (4/5 days). Remember that the watering frequency depends on the temperature and soil condition.

How can I prepare a potting mix for Haworthia?

Try to include aquarium gravel, sand, perlite, and pumice to enhance drainage. You should also apply organic materials to the mix, like coco peat, vermiculite, peat moss, etc.


These are the most attractive and easy to grow Haworthia species.

If you ever want to propagate them, you will need to take stem or leaf cuttings from the parent plant or separate the baby plants from the mother plant.

These new plants, also called offsets, can be separated using a sharp and clean knife.

Anyone can grow Zebra succulents in their garden, but this species looks ideal in containers, as most can be grown in a small pot.

If you can fulfill all of their requirements, they will be actively growing even in your house.


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