Begonia Melanobullata Plant Care

Begonia Melanobullata is a tropical begonia that is popular for its leaves that have teeth-like spikes on them.

The plant needs regular water and fertilizer but does not require much else in the way of care.

In this post, we will discuss what kind of care you need to grow Begonia Melanobullata plants. 

What is a Begonia Melanobullata?

Begonia melanobullata is a recently discovered species of flowering plant in the Begoniaceae family.

This begonia is native to northern Vietnam, but it can thrive in almost any climate if properly cared for.

Begonia melanobullata has lovely foliage; the leaf shape is broadly elliptic and green in color.

What Is A Begonia MelanobullataPin

It also has raised black cones that look and resemble teeth, but they aren’t razor-sharp.

When properly cared for, these plants can grow to be six to twelve inches tall and will look great in gardens, terrariums, and other similar settings.

Begonia can grow both indoors and outdoors. Many gardeners, however, prefer to grow it in a terrarium to protect it from harsh sunlight and provide maximum humidity.

Begonia melanobullata vs Begonia ferox

Begonia Melanobullata Vs Begonia FeroxPin

Begonia melanobullata and Begonia ferox are very similar in appearance, but there are a few differences that distinguish them.

Begonia melanobullata has leaves that are broadly elliptic in shape, whereas Begonia ferox has leaves that are broadly ovate in shape.

Beginning at a very young age or stage in development, Melanobullata’s leaves develop their signature dark colored bullate, whereas the leaves of Begonia ferox are only green until they reach maturity.

When Begonia ferox reaches maturity, its green leaves will be adorned with dark cones on the underside, just like the melanbullata.

As a result, Begonia ferox is known as Begonia melanobullata’s doppelgänger.

How to Care for a Begonia melanobullata

Begonia melanobullata is an easy-to-care-for plant. Its toughness also makes keeping up with it less labor-intensive.

Just make sure to follow all of the plant’s care instructions, and you’ll have Begonia melanobullata for a long time.

Continue reading to find out how to keep your house plants alive even in the most adverse conditions.

Temperature and Humidity

Temperature And Humidity For Begonia MelanobullataPin

Begonia melanobullata grows best in temperatures ranging from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Begonia melanobullata can be grown successfully in USDA hardiness zones 6, 8a, and 9.

The plant prefers warm and humid environments and can grow almost anywhere. Nonetheless, the plant does not survive in cold temperatures for long.

As a result, it is recommended that it should be grown solely indoors during cold climates.

Also, keep them away from cold drafts and direct exposure to air conditioning to keep your plants from shrinking.

As mentioned before, the Begonia melanobullata grows best in high humidity.

You can make it more humid by using a pebble watering tray, placing it near a humidifier or in a room that is typically more humid.

For example, consider the kitchen, bathroom to grow your begonia plant. These plants would also do very well in a can also be grown in a terrarium.


Light For Begonia MelanobullataPin

Begonia melanobullata needs exposure to low light conditions, and if you can’t get enough light, it can easily grow under grow lights, fluorescent lights, or other types of artificial light.

Because it originally grew on the forest floor, it’s only natural that it would not require much exposure to natural light to thrive.

If Begonia is exposed to natural light, it should be indirect light rather than direct sunlight.

Be careful, though, that the leaves of these plants will be damaged by direct sunlight.


Begonia melanobullata is easy to care for as the main rule to follow is to water it more in the hot seasons and less in the cold seasons.

When the soil is not dry, it will not benefit from being watered more often. In waterlogged soil, the Begonia’s roots will rot if they are exposed to soggy soil all the time.

In contrast, starving your Begonia of water is not a good idea either, as this may result in drooping leaves.

While it is recommended that you wait for the soil to dry before watering, just do a quick check of the soil moisture by sticking your finger into the soil.

If you plan to grow a Begonia melanobullata in a terrarium, note that the moisture is essentially trapped in such an environment, and thus your plant will not need as much water.

Lastly, don’t forget to plant you Begonia in pots that have drainage holes-these holes will drain out any excess water.


Soil For Begonia MelanobullataPin

Begonia melanobullata thrives in well-draining soil that is slightly acidic with a pH level of 5.5.

It does prefer moist soil, but remember that soil should not be overly wet to avoid root rot.

Due to the delicate nature of this plant, any slight adjustments in the soil will affect the growth. Just make sure you provide aerated soil rich in nutrients for your plants.

You can do this by adding soil amendments such as sphagnum moss, perlite, and vermiculite to enhance the soil.


Begonia melanobullata does not require fertilizers; it should be able to survive solely on the nutrients provided by healthy soil and exposure to the sun.

If, on the other hand, you notice that your tropical begonia is growing slowly, apply a diluted fertilizer only during the summer.

Because the plant is dormant during the winter, there is no need to fertilize it during this time of year.

Fertilizing begonias during the winter is excessive and may result in the salinization of the soil.

Also, make sure the plant food you’re using is diluted; otherwise, you might end up harming or burning your plant.

Common Pests

Common Pests Of Begonia MelanobullataPin

There are numerous insects and pests that can harm Begonia melanobullata plants. Aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, and mealybugs are examples of common pests.

These pests can cause significant plant damage, such as stunted growth, wilting, and even death. They can also infect plants with diseases.

Pesticides or other methods, such as cultural or biological controls, can be used to protect your begonias from these pests.

Spider mites and aphids

Spider mites and aphids are two of the most common pests that damage the Begonia melanobullata plant.

The presence of these pests is frequently caused by root rots. Other factors, on the other hand, maybe at play.

For pest control, you can use soaked clothes or insecticide sprays to get rid of the problem.


Begonias are susceptible to a number of diseases. We discuss in brief about some of the more common ones such as powdery mildew and leaf spot.

Leaf Spot

Leaf spot is a bacterial infection that is common among this species due to the fact that it does not tolerate being wet.

Your begonia will show signs of this disease when the leaves begin to turn yellow, which indicates that it is suffering from it.

To keep your plant from dying, cut away the infected portion and refrain from drenching the leaves with excessive water.

Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew disease is caused by a fungus that attacks the Begonia plant’s leaves, causing a white powdery substance to cover the surface.

The begonia leaves may turn yellow and fall off as well. Powdery mildew can be treated with fungicide, but it is critical to start treatment as soon as possible before the disease spreads.

Prevent Spreading Plant Disease

You’d be surprised but plant diseases are usually spread between plants by the gardener.

When working with your Begonia melanobullata, it is critical to use clean tools and containers and to properly dispose of any diseased plant material in order to prevent the spread of disease.

Additionally, it is critical to properly water plants and to avoid over-watering them because wet conditions can encourage the spread of disease.

For example, if you don’t sterilize your pruning tools or if you use the soil from a sick plant, the disease can easily spread to other plants.


You can repot Begonia melanobullata once it has outgrown its pot. Begonias should be replanted every two to three years, depending on their size.

Early winter or early spring, before new growth begins, is the best time to repot your plants.

When repotting your plants, it is important to use a pot that is only slightly larger in size than the old pot.

In order to prevent their roots from becoming too restricted, the new pot should have a diameter that is at least 2 inches greater in diameter than the old pot.

Plant your begonia in well-draining soil with nutrients to help it thrive.

You can also use fertilizer if your plant is slow-growing; otherwise, the sunlight and nutrient-rich soil should be sufficient.


Stem cuttings are the most straightforward method of propagating Begonia melanobullata.

To begin, cut a few stems from the plant with a sterilized knife or garden shears to give it a head start.

To avoid pest infestation, make sure that you are cutting from a healthy plant rather than one that has been infected.

Next, the cuttings will be allowed to heal before being planted in nutrient-dense soil to establish a root system.

Last but not least, expose the new plant to the bare minimum of light and water it thoroughly.

Significant root development is expected to take place within a few days.


What is the difference between Begonia melanobullata versus Begonia Ferox?

The Begonia Melanobullata and Begonia Ferox have very similar traits, but the primary distinction is that Begonia melanobullata develops its distinctive dark-colored bullate from a very early age, while the Begonia ferox needs to be more mature before development occurs.

Can begonia melanabullata grow in terrarium?

Yes, you can grow Begonia Melanabullata in a terrarium. Terrariums is a good environment environment because it is well-balanced and provides sufficient humidity. Some Begonia gardeners use terrariums to propagate begonias because of the humidity that it provides.

Can Begonia Melanabullata grow in sphagnum moss?

Begonia Melanabullata grows best in a well-drained, well-aerated soilless medium that retains moisture well. Sphagnum peat moss is a great growing media that holds water and nutrients. If you add other soil amendments like perlite or composted bark to the peat moss, it will be an make the peat moss drain and aerate more effectively.


Begonia melanobullata is a slow-growing plant that can remain evergreen if you follow the care instructions to the letter.

The key to staying on top of any issues that may arise with this plant is to inspect it on a regular basis.

The goal of doing so is to identify any problems as soon as possible and address them before they cause further complications.

Other Types of Begonias to Consider

There are many types of begonias to think about when choosing a plant for your home or garden.

For example, cane begonias have tall, tuberous begonias are small, compact plants used for bedding or fibrous begonia for their flashy blooms.

Read on to discover different types of Begonias to grow in your garden. 


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