Key Takeaways
- Begonia lucerna, also called Begonia Corallina de Lucerna, is a variety of angel wing begonia.
- They can grow indoors or outdoors and have olive green leaves that are shaped like angel wings with small silver dots on top and red spots on the underside of the leaves.
- They bloom pink flowers that cluster at the end of the stem.
- Plant care is low maintenance, plant in a location with low light and cool temperature, and give it water when the soil is dry.
Table of Contents
Begonia Lucerna is a flowering plant that can be grown both indoors and outdoors.
Its full name is Begonia Corallina de Lucerna, and it is a variety of the Angel Wing Begonia.
Read on for an overview of the Begonia Lucerna plant and how to care for it, including watering, fertilizing, and pest control.
What is a Begonia Lucerna Plant?
Begonia Lucerna is a hybridized form of the Angel Wing Begonia, and it is a one-of-a-kind, low-maintenance flowering plant.
The origins of this plant can be traced back to Central and South America.
Many gardeners have reaped the benefits of this plant in abundance.
While new Begonia species are constantly being discovered, Begonia Lucerna is the only one that is “evergreen” in nature!
In the year 1892, Dr. Wettstein of Lucerne, Switzerland, was the first to successfully hybridize a plant.
Begonia Corallina de Lucerna was the name he gave to his “first creation.”
This plant is renowned for its spectacular olive green leaves (which have an angel wing-like shape) and a profusion of brightly colored blooms.
The leaves have small silver dots on top and red spots on the underside of the leaves.
Its pink flowers are arranged in a large cluster-like arrangement at the end of the stem.
Begonia Lucerna grows best in low to bright light, making it an excellent choice for indoor houseplants.
If the sun isn’t too hot, or in the shade, these are also good options.
Leaving the plant untrimmed, it will grow quickly, reaching a height of up to 6 ft and possibly even higher.
How to Care for a Begonia Lucerna
Begonia Lucerna is one of the indoor plants that can flourish in low light areas and relatively low temperatures.
Humidity is also a necessary factor for the well-being of this Angel Wing begonia variety.
Additionally, this plant does well in moist soil with a boost of water-soluble fertilizer.
Read on for more details on the favorable conditions for the growth and care of Begonia Lucerna.
Temperature and Climate
Begonia Lucerna plants should be planted in an environment with temperatures ranging between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
It is necessary for the plant to have a continuous warm temperature during its growing season, while somewhat cooler temperatures are preferable during its dormancy phase.
Begonia Lucerna is highly tolerant and withstands slight increases or decreases in temperatures and can be outside in USDA hardiness zone 6 to 7.
If you live in USDA hardiness zone 6, however, it’s advisable to add mulch around the plants. Heavy mulching allows them to survive even in zone 5.
However, cold climates and temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit should be avoided. Begonia Lucerna plants are delicate and can easily be damaged.
Begonia Corallina de Lucerna plants grow best in a slightly higher humidity environment, which is ideal for the plant’s development.
However, too high, as high humidity increases the rate of transpiration, which might result in the withering of the plant’s leaves.
The humidity should be kept at around 50-70%. If the humidity is too low, their leaves will start to wilt.
Begonia Lucerna plants require approximately six-eight hours of shaded sunlight per day to thrive.
Despite the fact that they may thrive in a variety of lighting settings, they prefer medium-to-bright indirect light.
Begonia Lucerna tends to blossom in the shade or bright light. However, be careful as excessive or insufficient light might cause the plant to stretch or become lanky.
Even so, you should keep the plant away from the direct sun due to its fragile structure.
Begonia Lucerna needs regular watering; every two to four days of watering per week is ideal during the growing season.
However, during hot and dry periods, the plant requires more water, especially if your plant is in direct sunlight.
During the winter, however, this plant needs less water due to the lack of evaporation, leaving the soil more moist.
The most important thing is not to overwater your plant. Waterlogging threatens Begonia Lucerna’s root system, which may lead to root-rot disease.
To help with overwatering, your pot or area where your Begonias are planted should have good drainage so that excess moisture can escape.
Lucerna Begonia plants prefer well-drained soils with a high organic matter content. The pH of the soil should also be between 6 and 7.
If you have clay soil in your yard, you should add topsoil and organic matter like compost.
If you plan to keep your Begonia Lucerna in a pot, use light potting soil with some perlite added to ensure proper drainage.
Feed your Begonia Lucerna plant once a week during the growing season with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer blend.
When flower buds begin to form, apply a phosphorus-rich fertilizer once a week to help the plant bloom more quickly.
Nonetheless, avoid feeding the Begonia Lucerna during the colder months of the year because its growth rate is slow during this time.
Make sure that your Begonia Lucerna gets enough water, light, and shade so that the nutrients from the fertilizer can be used to their full potential.
Common Pests and Diseases
Whiteflies, spider mites, thrips, fungus gnats, scale, mealybugs, and shore flies are just some of the pests that like to eat Begonia Lucerna plants.
Most pest infections can be controlled with insecticidal soap, which is fortunate because it is widely available.
There are several different bacterial diseases, such as bacterial leaf spot, Botrytis blight, Foliar Nematode, Powdery Mildew, Rhizoctonia Crown Rot, and a variety of viruses.
Each of these diseases is caused by a different pathogen, and as a result, each disease’s management is distinct.
If you notice any of these diseases, remove the plant as soon as possible and keep it away from other plants.
These diseases can easily spread to any plant in the surrounding area.
It is critical to repot your Begonia Lucerna at the start of its growing season.
However, if the pot is too small for the plant or if the plant has become root-bound, this should be done.
Wait until the plant’s root system has absorbed all of the soil before gently removing it from its pot.
Transplant it into a pot that is larger than the first one, and fill it with rich, free-draining soil.
The pot should be equipped with adequate drainage holes in order to avoid waterlogging.
Avoid moving during the flowering stage because the shock of moving can slow down the flowering process.
Begonia Lucerna plants are a type of plant that blooms and produces seeds. They can be grown either by splitting them up or by cutting them from the stem.
Propagating Begonia Lucerna Plants by Division
Lucerna begonias are a type of begonia that can be multiplied by division, making them a popular choice for gardeners.
In order to propagate Begonia Lucerna plants by division, cut the clump of plants in half with a sharp knife and divide each half into smaller clusters.
Each clump should have two or three stems with leaves on each of its branches.
Propagating Begonia Lucerna Plants by Stem Cuttings
Begonias Lucerna is a type of begonia that can be propagated by stem cuttings, which is how they got their name.
Taking a stem cutting from an otherwise healthy plant and removing all but two-thirds of its leaves will allow you to propagate it successfully.
Place the cutting in moist soil after it has been treated with rooting hormone.
Alternatively, you can put the stems in a clear jar or vase of water; ensure you have the upper sides facing up because if the top part is buried in water, it won’t root.
In approximately two weeks, the cutting will have taken root.
Begonia Lucerna should be pruned and thinned out on a regular basis to ensure that it grows properly.
This will prevent them from taking over an area, and it will also improve air circulation, which will aid in the prevention of diseases such as botrytis and powdery mildew, which are caused by mold.
Use pruning shears that are sharp and clean to remove the dead flowers, yellow leaves, and other debris from the garden.
Be gentle in order to avoid damaging the developing buds during the process!
Reduce the height of the cane Begonias at the beginning of each growing season to encourage new growth.
Remove any overgrown shoots and trim them to the desired length. The cut should be made just above the leaf node, which is the point at which the plant will regrow.
The foliage from the pruning isn’t thrown away because it can be used to propagate new plants.
Most begonias can withstand a significant amount of pruning!
How do you propagate Begonia Lucerna?
Begonia Lucerna can be propagated by cutting off the top piece of the stem that has 2-3 leaves on it. Remove the first 1-2 leaves from the bottom of the plant. Simply ensure that there are one or two nodes on the piece of stem from which the new stem will grow before proceeding with the process. Keep the cuttings moist until you see roots forming. Once the roots have formed, replant them in a pot to grow your new begonia.
How do you care for Begonia Lucerna?
To take care of your Begonia Lucerna, you must provide regular watering in order for it to grow and flourish. They thrive in bright, direct sunlight and should be placed no more than 3 feet from a window. Begonia Lucerna prefers soil that is well-drained, but it will grow in any soil. As for repotting your Begonia Luceran, if it doubles in size with regular care there is no need to add any fertilizer as it is doing fine without it.
Does Begonia Lucerna Like Sunlight?
Begonia Lucerna prefers shade to bright light, but it should not be exposed to direct sunlight. The second problem is that there is either too little or too much water; keep the soil moist but not soggy at all times.
To summarize, taking care of Begonia Lucerna plants is not difficult at all.
They will thrive if they are provided with sufficient water and sunlight and if they use the right type of soil and proper plant fertilizer.
Pests should be avoided at all costs, and pruning should be done when necessary.
If you follow these simple instructions, you will be able to enjoy your Begonia Lucerna plants for many years to come.
Other Types of Begonias to Consider
There are many types of begonias to think about when choosing a plant for your home or garden.
For example, cane begonias have tall, tuberous begonias are small, compact plants used for bedding or fibrous begonia for their flashy blooms.
Look further for other types of Begonias to grow in your garden.
Lindsey Hyland grew up in Arizona where she studied at the University of Arizona’s Controlled Environment Agriculture Center. She continued her gardening education by working on organic farms in both rural and urban settings. She started to share gardening tips and tactics. She’s happy to talk about succulents and houseplants or vegetables and herbs – or just about anything in a backyard garden or hydroponics garden.