Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor: Chinese Evergreen Tricolor Plant Care

Key Takeaways

  • This Aglaonema pictum tricolor plant is a popular multicolored plant that is commonly known as the Chinese evergreen tricolor plant
  • Sometimes called the camouflage plant because its colors resemble military clothing, it is a fairly easy houseplant to grow and care for.
  • Follow these simple steps so that your Chinese evergreen tricolor plants thrive:
    • Water: Give them water about once a week, or when the top layer of the soil dries. They rarely survive for long periods without water or moisture, so don’t forget to water them regularly.
    • Light: As it is naturally found on forest floors, it prefers to grow in the shade. So, the best lighting is filtered, shaded or indirect light.
    • Soil: Well-draining soil that has some soil amendments like compost and perlite to help improve drainage and water retention.
    • Temperature: These plants do best in places that are warm and damp, with temperatures between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

What Are Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor Plants?

This Aglaonema pictum tricolor plant, also called the Chinese evergreen tricolor plant, is a popular multicolored variety of the popular Aglaonema pictum tricolor plants.

Aglaonema pictum tricolor is a beautiful one-of-a-kind because of its unique appearance. It is also very low-maintenance and easy to care for.

This pictum tricolor plant has three different colors: bright green, dark green, and white, which are usually seen as spots on the leaves. People also call Aglaonema pictum tricolor a “camouflage plant” because it looks like the camouflage pattern on military clothing.

It has strong, woody branches and oval to elliptical leaves that are longer than they are wide. It is a subtropical plant that grows slowly.

These plants are well-loved indoor plants since they are ideal for indoor habitats and flourish in normal household settings.

The History Of The Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor Plant

History Of Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor PlantPin

This Aglaonema genus has around 20 species. These subtropical plants are common in Asia and New Guinea and are known as “Chinese Evergreens.”

Plants of the genus Aglaonema pictum can be found on the slopes of volcanoes in Sumatra and Nias Island at heights of 3000 to 6000 feet.

The German botanist Carl Sigismund Kunth first identified the species in 1841. Aglaonema pictum tricolor was first discovered mainly in the tropical and subtropical regions of southern China, Malaysia, and New Guinea.

It was also believed to have originated in the Philippines. They can be found in tropical rainforests, swamps, and highlands in the tropics and subtropical areas.

Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor Plant Specifications

Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor Plant SpecificationsPin

Leaves and Stems

The leaves on Aglaonema pictum tricolor plants are large and attractive, with a shiny surface and an oval form. Its stems are thin, measuring 12 to 24 inches (30 to 60 cm) tall and 1/4 inch (1/2 cm) thick.

The petioles, around 2 to 3 inches (4 to 7 cm) long, support crisply sketched leaves. The length of the leaves varies in size from 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 cm) and from 2 to 3 inches (4 to 6 cm) in width.

On top of dark, stunning leaves with variegation of dark green, light green, silvery and lighter tones, they feature a marked, striking venation.


These plants are small and can reach a height of about 2 to 3 feet (50 to 90 cm). They’re also around the same width.


Aglaonema Chinese evergreen plants have a spadix that produces unisexual flowers. The flowers toward the base solely have a female portion, whereas the flowers near the edges are often male.

These flowers are green-white and produce red or yellow berries as fruits. Although the Aglaonema pictum tricolor blooms in spring and summer, it’s the leaves that attract the most attention.

How to Care For Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor

How To Take Care Of Aglaonema Pictum TricolorPin

Aglaonema pictum tricolor requires very little care. And remember that this indoor plant prefers medium to bright, indirect light, mildly damp soil, and warm, humid conditions because it grows in the rainforest understory. 

Water and nutrients are only needed once or twice a week to maintain healthy Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor plants.

They prefer bright light and low-humidity environments and don’t need to be replanted or trimmed too often.


Water Chinese evergreen tricolor plants about once a week, or when the top layer of the soil dries.

They rarely survive for long periods without water or moisture, so it is essential to water the plant regularly – but don’t overwater.

Overwatering this indoor plant can cause root rot, which can be problematic in the long run and affect your plant. Underwatering or allowing the plant’s wetness to dry out for a few days can quickly kill it.

It is preferable to decrease the number of times the plant is watered throughout the winter months, which leads to overwatering. Also, check that the plant is not abandoned when planted or placed outside.


Sunlight For Aglaonema Pictum TricolorPin

Because of its natural origins, the Aglaonema pictum tricolor plant prefers to grow in the shade. It only likes filtered, indirect light.

Indoor plants are arranged near the windows facing north or east in a well-lit, bright room. The amount of sunlight a plant requires is usually determined by whether it is varied or not.

To keep the variegation in its leaves, a plant like the Aglaonema Tricolor might survive in a brighter setting than the darker varieties of the genus.

Always turn your plant regularly to ensure that it receives an equal quantity of sunshine on all of its components and blooms equally in terms of appearance, size, and color.


Temperatures of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 25 degrees Celsius) are ideal for Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor to grow healthy; this temperature is close to that of a typical room, making it perfect for a houseplant.

Temperatures under 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) are still not ideal for these plants in the slightest.

Cold temperatures are indeed an Aglaonema pictum tricolor’s greatest weakness, and they can have a severe impact immediately.

To avoid this, move your plants to a more appropriate, warmer location during the winter months.


Humidity For Aglaonema Pictum TricolorPin

Even though these Aglaonema pictum tricolors can withstand moderate humidity levels, they prefer a dryer environment, unlike many tropical plants.

Spraying or misting the plant’s leaves with distilled water occasionally can help it stay hydrated and fresh, especially when the weather is getting drier and the air within the house is getting drier.

In these kinds of circumstances, you can put the moist Chinese evergreen plants together or set the pot on stones in a pebble plate and fill it with water.

If the dry air lasts for most of the year, you could even install an indoor humidifier.


Maybe once every month, use a balanced houseplant fertilizer or organic liquid fertilizer to feed your Aglaonema pictum tricolor plant.

During the growing periods of spring and early summer, the balanced houseplant fertilizer requirements increase, whereas they decrease during the winter season. You may feed it just once every 5–6 weeks throughout the winter season.

The frequency with which you feed these plants is mainly determined by the individual plants and the fertilizers you intend to use.

Water-soluble, diluted fertilizers, quick fertilizers, temperature-controlled slow-releasing fertilizers, and organic fertilizers are the common types of fertilizers needed for this plant.

Most of the time, you only use slow-release fertilizers once per season, but you can use quick-acting fertilizers more than once.


Repotting Aglaonema Pictum TricolorPin

Repotting your Chinese evergreen tricolor plant is indeed an important step that you must remember. When the pot does not confine the roots during the spring and summer seasons, repot it.

Every 3-5 years, the plant should be replanted. If it becomes infected or invaded by a bug or insect, identify it immediately.

When repotting a house plant, the new pot must be larger than the old one; enough for the new plants to adjust to their new surroundings.

Pest, Insect, and Diseases Resistance

Even though there have been no significant complaints about this Aglaonema pictum tricolor plant, It is nevertheless susceptible to pests and insects such as mealybugs, aphids, as well as spider mites.

Root rot or stem rot can occur when the environment is too wet. Pay special attention to the plant’s foliage and stem to notice any potential disease or insect attack.

Thin, browned, or pale-looking leaves could be a sign of an underlying problem.

These insects can be found scavenging in the dirt or hiding beneath the leaves. Tiny cobwebs underneath the leaves are indeed a sure sign that spider mites have invaded your plant – however, don’t get too worried.

Carefully separate your plants so that they do not spread to nearby plants. Prune the plant and trim any dead or unhealthy sections.

If the problem is really bad, you may need to use a fungicide, pesticide, or repot the plant.

Start taking care of it as usual, and once it has resumed average growth, place it back among the other plants.

Trimming and Pruning

Aglaonema pictum tricolor plants do not require pruning regularly but do need stem cuttings. Remove any dead or dried-up leaves and keep the area clean.

Frequently spray and wipe the plant, and dust it. Also, when you go to check on this camouflage plant as you usually do, check it carefully for signs of insect infestation or disease.

How to propagate Aglaonema pictum tricolor

How To Propagate Aglaonema Pictum TricolorPin

Aglaonema pictum Tricolor plants can also be propagated through stem cuttings or splitting.

These plants should be replanted every 3 to 5 years throughout the spring and summer, as this will keep them from becoming root trapped.

Alternatively, you can propagate these plants from seeds.

How do you germinate Aglaonema Pictum tricolor seeds?

Aglaonema pictum tricolor seed can be germinated in two ways: sphagnum moss or a germination mix.

To propagate Aglaonema pictum tricolor using sphagnum moss, it must be cleaned regularly with enough water to keep it moist but not waterlogged.

Sphagnum moss

Place the sphagnum moss in a glass container, add the seeds, and softly cover the seeds with much more sphagnum peat moss until they are optimally moist.

Make sure the container is transparent to allow plenty of light through. Also, make sure the container is sealed so that the sphagnum moss stays moist and humid.

Germination mix

You can propagate Aglaonema pictum tricolor plants by soaking them in a germination mix of cocopeat and soil with a 50/50 or 40/60 ratio.

Fill a small container halfway with the germination mix, add the seeds, and lightly cover it with more germination mix.

Ensure the mixture is moist but not sloppy or wet.

Once the seeds have been treated with germination mix, place the pots in a glass container and cover them with a lid to keep the humidity within the container at a minimum.


Can You Grow Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor Seeds? 

Fresh seeds obtained at the bottom of a spadix can reproduce the Aglaonema pictum Tricolor plant. Put the seeds in a warm environment with a coco peat mix. It can take 45 to 60 days for the seeds to germinate.

How can you grow Aglaonema Pictum tricolor?

To grow an Aglaonema pictum tricolor plant and maintain its camouflage leaves, provide bright, indirect sunlight and a very well-drained soil combination of perlite, orchid bark, and peat. Maintain a humidity level of 65 to 90 percent and water frequently to keep the soil drying out. In the spring and summer, fertilize twice a month.

What colors does Chinese evergreen come in?

The spotted leaves of the Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor plant come in various green colors, such as dark green, bright green, and silver, giving them a characteristic “camouflage plant” appearance. This Chinese evergreen plants flowers in its natural environment and produces red seeds.

How fast does Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor grow?

Put the plant cuttings or seed into the suitable soil and water it properly under the right conditions from day one to day seven. By the end of the first month, roots have formed after one to five weeks. Finally, your plant will mature and grow to its maximum size over a year or two. The key to success is a combination of persistence and patience.

How tall does a Chinese evergreen Tricolor get?

Every year, repotting this plant is beneficial for its growth because it is a slow-growing plant. It grows best in low indirect light and is watered whenever the soil is dry. When fully grown, the plant can reach a height of 12–20 inches.

Is it possible for Aglaonema Pictum TricolorPlant to Grow in Water?

Yes, it is correct. You could grow an Aglaonema in water by putting the cutting inside and allowing it to grow; you could grow it in water. On the other hand, the water-planted roots will struggle once they are transplanted into the soil.

Is Tricolor Chinese evergreen toxic?

This plant is poisonous if consumed by people or animals. A rash and inflammation, soreness where the rash is, and inflamed mucous membranes are among the other signs (more so in humans).

How to make Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor bushier?

Because the Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor plant will not grow bushier than now, there is also no need to trim it to achieve bushier growth than other plants. If your plant is becoming lanky (with stretched-out stems and fewer leaves), you can dig the stem deeper into the potting mix. Roots will sprout at the nodes along the sunken part of the stem.

Other Aglaonema Plants to Consider

If you are looking for other Aglaonema plants, read further for:

As its name suggests, Aglaonema pictum tricolor is a lovely multicolored plant with tricolored leaves. It is an uncommon yet popular plant that comes in three gorgeous shades of green.

Despite its origins in tropical areas, it grows phenomenally well in typical indoor settings. It is popular among botanists because of its convenience in care and maintenance and because it is an easy plant to propagate.

These are not only simple to produce, but they are also easy to display. Just keep these plants far away from your dogs and children because they are poisonous.


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