34 Types of Peperomia Succulent Plants

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What are Peperomia Succulents?

Peperomias, also known as radiator plants, are popular houseplants among gardeners.

The attractive feature of these stunning plants is their foliage variegated patterns and the shape of their leaves.

In this genus, you will find approximately 1500 plant species, and we are sure that you will fall in love with their beauty.

If you are a new gardener, we would like to suggest you start with Peperomia because you will learn a lot from these slow-growing plants.

Unlike most succulents, they prefer growing in humid conditions since they are native to tropical areas.

The ornamental foliage of Peperomia plants can beautify your indoor garden. The leaves have a smooth texture with purple, grey, green, or red colors.

Interestingly, every species belonging to the Peperomia genus looks different, making it significantly easier for anyone to identify them.

Some of these plants are also used for medicinal purposes.

For instance, research has found that Peperomia pellucida contains natural pharmacological compounds that can be used for gastrointestinal disorders [1].

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Types of Peperomia Plants to Grow at Home

You have probably seen a baby rubber plant or a watermelon peperomia – these two are by far the most popular.

However, as you soon see, there are many more types of peperomia plants to choose from.

We’ll also provide some basics on how to plant peperomia in and around your home.

Peperomia Albovittata


Peperomia albovittata is commonly known as Piccolo Banda or Ivy Leaf Peperomia and is found in the Netherlands.

These perennial plants can be a great addition to your tropical indoor garden, and you may also gift them to plant lovers.

This species of peperomia is favored mainly because of its attractive foliage pattern.

The plant has heart-shaped leaves and a beautiful combination of purple, green, and black colors.

The foliage patterns give Peperomia albovittata a 3D effect and a unique look. They prefer growing in loam soil full of vermicompost and coco peat.

They enjoy bright indirect light and temperatures between 60 and 86-degree Fahrenheit.

You can easily produce more plants by following the stem cuttings technique.

Peperomia Argyreia (Watermelon Peperomia)


Peperomia argyreia is widely known as Watermelon Peperomia, and without any doubt, it is the most stunning species of the Peperomia genus.

The watermelon peperomia is native to the South American tropical forest and can grow 12 inches tall.

You may either grow them in your outdoor garden or as houseplants on your balcony. 

Watermelon peperomia foliage is similar to the skin of a watermelon.

The oval leaves have a combination of silver stripes and green color, and they can be pretty large. The fleshy leaves stay attached to the non-woody stems.

To grow watermelon peperomia, you must be careful about light intensity, water, and temperatures.

Peperomia argyreia grows well under indirect light and warm temperatures. Excessive watering or stagnant condition can damage these plants.

Read more in detail about how to care for your watermelon peperomia:

Peperomia Axillaris


Peperomia axillaris is a shrub-like succulent plant that has peapod-like leaves.

This miniature plant has beautiful green leaves, grows slowly, and may reach a height of only 10 inches.

Due to its small size, it can be a great addition near your window. Many people place these plants on their windowsills in containers.

Like most other Peperomia, these varieties don’t need direct sunlight. They can grow happily under the indirect sun.

In low light, these plants may face leaf drop.

Therefore, you must supply a minimum of 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight.

Never let the soil to be dry out entirely as the plant can undergo wilting stage.

Place a pebble tray under the pots to maintain humidity level.

Peperomia Caespitosa


Peperomia caespitosa is also known as Shining bush plant and Pepper elder. This plant is considered a little charmer.

It is native to subtropical and tropical regions like Southern, Central, and Northern America.

Shining bush plants have thick leaves like many succulents. Although this variety has similar features to the succulent, it is not entirely a succulent plant. 

While growing Peperomia caespitosa, remember that this species cannot tolerate abrupt temperature fluctuations.

Place them in a location that receives abundant bright indirect light.

To maintain a perfect humidity level, you can place a pebble tray at the bottom of the container—water when the topsoil looks drier.

You may propagate this species following the leaf-cutting method.

Peperomia Caperata Frost

Peperomia Caperata Frost Pinterest PinPin

Peperomia frost is another attractive variety of the Peperomia genus. You will find that it is native to the Brazilian rainforest.

This variety of Peperomia has a similar appearance to the watermelon Peperomia, though the leaf color is different.

The leaves of Peperomia frost are heart-shaped and have a frosty white color with deep green veins.

To add variety to your indoor garden, you can place the Peperomia caperata varieties side by side.

These plants are easy to care for, and they will not even take considerable space. Peperomia frost enjoys growing under bright but indirect sunlight.

Placing them under the scorching heat of midday can damage the leaf coloration.

Water the plant when you see the top 2 inches soil becomes dry.

The favorable temperature is considered to be 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. You can follow the stem cutting method to propagate them.

Peperomia Caperata Red Ripple


Peperomia caperata is mainly known as Ripple Peperomia, and you will find three varieties of ripple Peperomia – silver, red, and emerald.

Although all of them are beautiful in their ways, red ripple Peperomia is considered the best because their heart-shaped leaves have an excellent combination of burgundy red, pink, green, and white colors.

One may identify red ripple variety by its red stems.

It is a good idea not to place them under the direct sun. Indirect sunlight works fine. You may either put them in the north or south-facing window.

The leaf will be discolored if they are kept away from the light for a prolonged period.

Also, make sure that the containers have drainage holes, which will facilitate the drainage system.

Peperomia Clusiifolia Jelly (Peperomia Ginny)


Peperomia clusiifolia Jelly is also known as Red Edge Peperomia or Peperomia Ginny. This plant is considered an ornamental and perennial succulent.

The oval-shaped leaves have a beautiful color combination of green, cream, and pink-rose colors.

It produces lovely whitish-green panicle-like flower spikes. These plants are sensitive to excess watering.

This Jelly variety enjoys 65-75-degrees Fahrenheit temperature. Also, the potting soil must contain gravel or coarse materials to improve the drainage system.

Abstain from frequent watering, which may give rise to fungal disease as well as root rot.

Remember not to place them under direct sunlight as they prefer indirect light.

Peperomia Columella


They are called Peperomia columella because of their column-like structure. The leaves of this species stay close to each other.

The stems remain upright initially, but slowly, with age, it starts cascading, making them ideal for growing in hanging baskets.

It makes a pleasant scenery when it blooms bright yellow tail-like beautiful flowers.

Since they are excellent container plants, you must focus on your potting soil and drainage hole.

Plant Peperomia in well-drained soil that doesn’t retain excessive water.

It is good to use coco peat, peat moss, perlite, and other coarse materials with the soil. They require moderate watering.

Never let the soil completely dry. Also, while growing as indoor plants, try to place them in filtered sunlight.

Peperomia Dolabriformis


Peperomia dolabriformis is a succulent plant that is also known as Prayer Peperomia. This shrubby plant is native to Peru.

The dark green leaves are half-inch thick.

You can grow them in containers with other plants. The leaves look half-folded and may grow approximately 3 inches long.

Place these plants in a location, which receives bright light. You don’t have to prune them. Simply cut the shoots to propagate and to grow more plants.

Prayer Peperomia enjoys warm temperatures. If you are living in tropical regions, you may easily grow them outdoors.

This species cannot tolerate frost. It is better to move them indoors during the winter months.

A few hours of morning and afternoon sun seems good for them. So, place them in an east or west-facing window.

Like the other Peperomia plants, it cannot tolerate wet conditions.

Peperomia Deppeana


Peperomia deppeana is a low-growing plant that is native to South America. People also call them Rondo Romano. The leaves have a beautiful green color.

You need to grow them in a bright spot that receives indirect light.

You may also plant them in hanging pots as they can enhance the beauty of your living room.

Like the other Peperomia plants, you can easily take care of this variety.

Allow the top 1-2 inches of soil to dry completely before watering.

They can reach around 15 cm in length, so you should ensure that the plants have enough space to thrive.

Don’t worry about additional humidity because they grow well under moderate humidity levels. 

Peperomia deppeana is non-toxic to pets and small children.

Peperomia Elongata


Peperomia elongata is a bigger version of Philodendron green princess. This evergreen plant is a rare variety of the Peperomia genus.

It has a beautiful fleshy shoot with pale green foliage. These plants are widely distributed across South America.

Hence, they enjoy the tropical climate. It is an epiphyte, and its natural habitat is usually other plants.

However, you will also notice them growing in soil. 

This semi-succulent retain water in its leaves.

To prepare the potting soil, you should use coarse and slightly acidic materials, like peat moss, gravel, and perlite.

You can also add orchid bark to promote its growth. Frequent watering can cause root rot.

Therefore, you should water it less once in a few days when the topsoil seems dry. Place these plants in partial shade and avoid direct sunlight.

Peperomia Ferreyrae


Peperomia ferreyrae is a succulent species of the Peperomia genus.

This plant is sometimes referred to as the pincushion peperomia as anyone can easily identify it by its attractive green foliage having bean style or ‘pincushion’ look.

This species doesn’t grow as fast as other plants and requires a little space.

So, you can keep it on your desk or table. Compared to the other indoor plants, it doesn’t require too much attention. 

Direct light can be helpful for this plant, but you must be careful of the scorching heat.

You should supply a minimum of 4 to 6 hours of direct sun during the morning and afternoon.

Let the soil dry before watering because excess watering or moist condition can cause yellowed leaves or root rot. It can adapt to any humidity level.

Peperomia Graveolens


Peperomia graveolens species is one of the most attractive Peperomia plants on our list.

You will find it widely distributed in mountainous areas or cliffs in dry regions. They are also known as Ruby glow Peperomia.

They have red stems and fleshy succulent leaves with a wine red color. The v-shaped arrangement and red leaves give them a stunning look. 

Peperomia graveolens grows best under bright indirect light. You should keep them away from direct sunlight.

Therefore, a north or east-facing window is the best spot. The potting medium must be well-drained.

Try maintaining temperatures between 65 and 75-degree Fahrenheit. Cold temperature can inhibit their growth. The topsoil should be moist.

Peperomia Griseoargentea

Peperomia griseoargentea is another beautiful variety of Peperomia. It is usually found in Brazil.

This ivy Peperomia is an evergreen perennial plant that forms gorgeous rosettes of silver-gray leaves. It may reach nearly 2 feet tall.

Many people plant them with other indoor plants. You may place them outdoors during the summer months. It looks similar to the watermelon Peperomia.

They grow pretty slowly under favorable conditions. To reach the maximum height, they may take 2 to 5 years.

Use loam soil to prepare potting mix for growing this species. They prefer moist soil but not over saturated conditions.

That’s why you should add coco peat, vermicompost, perlite, and pumice to the soil. Allow the soil to dry before you water them.

Peperomia Glabella


Peperomia glabella can be a fascinating species to grow in the office or your bedroom. This species of Peperomia doesn’t have tons of needs to grow.

You only have to make sure that the light intensity and soil moisture are alright. If you are entirely new to gardening, we will suggest you go for this plant.

This variety is native to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Panama, and some parts of Central America. 

Peperomia glabella can easily be grown in well-drained regular potting soil. Make sure the container has multiple drainage holes to drain excess water.

It will reduce the chance of root rot. Bright natural light can add good vibes to the foliage.

Just make sure that the plant doesn’t receive scorching direct sunlight.

Peperomia Hoffmannii

Peperomia hoffmannii species comes with beautiful white-colored flowers, making this perennial vine so popular, even to a certified master gardener.

You will find these plants widely distributed across the south and central America, Columbia, Costa Rica, and Panama.

This plant has small succulent light to dark green leaves. 

These Peperomia live well under filtered sun. Thus, it is a good idea to place them near the east or west-facing window.

Unlike most Peperomia, it prefers a higher humidity level (60-90%).

The pH of the soil should be in the neutral range and well-drained. Add coco peat, perlite, or vermicompost to increase water holding capacity and aeration.

Peperomia Incana


Peperomia incana is commonly known as Felted Peperomia or Amazon Fuzz. This species of Peperomia needs direct sunlight to grow to its fullest potential.

It’s called Amazon Fuzz because the leaves are coated with fuzzy white hairs, which protect the leaves from scorching sunlight.

This plant takes time to grow. So, you must wait for this plant to become mature.

Sandy loam soil is considered the best medium for growing these varieties. Never water too much as it can ruin the plant’s health.

Place these plants in a sunny location, though they can survive well in shade and direct sunlight.

The ideal temperature range for Peperomia incana is between 45 and 90-degree Fahrenheit.

Peperomia Japonica

Peperomia Japonica is a popular vining epiphyte that grows upon other plants.

This species has beautiful small round shaped emerald green foliage and thin stems. This low-maintenance plant can become bushier.

This climbing succulent epiphyte can be a great addition to any indoor garden. You can grow them in hanging baskets to enhance their beauty.

Peperomia japonica grows well under morning sun exposure or filtered sun.

They need abundant sun for growth. So, try keeping them near a south-facing room or window.

The ideal temperature for them is considered 60 to 80-degree Fahrenheit.

Ensure that the soil is not heavy clay, which can create a soggy condition by holding too much water.

Since they are succulents, you don’t have to water them too frequently.

Peperomia Kimnachii

Peperomia kimnachii is also known as Peperomia Trailing Jade. This perennial succulent species is native to Bolivia.

This lovely-looking plant looks great in 4 inches container. The leaves are oval-shaped and stand upright.

The trailing red stems bend downwards and can reach 3 inches long, making these plants ideal for growing in hanging baskets.

This trailing jade prefers growing under the dappled sunlight.

Make sure you grow them in a well-draining potting mix that cannot retain too much moisture. In this case, we suggest you use cactus mix soil.

You may also mix coarse materials and organic fertilizers with regular potting soil to improve the system. Allow the topsoil to dry before watering.

Peperomia La Laja Trace

Peperomia la laja trace is a popular Peperomia plant and has small circular light green foliage.

It looks like Peperomia rubella and reaches approximately 4 feet long. It has a vining nature. So, you should provide physical support for new growth.

You will find these varieties mainly in Caribbean regions like Tobago and Trinidad. 

This species of Peperomia prefers indirect sun. If you can carefully maintain the light intensity and water demands, these plants will look fresh and stunning.

Water the plant when the soil becomes drier. Their water demands will depend on the climate and temperature of your region.

They become happy in moderate (30-70%) humidity levels.

Peperomia Maculosa

Peperomia maculosa is a beautiful plant that can add good vibes to your balcony or indoor garden. It has deeply textured glossy green leaves.

Remember that this variety releases a spicy odor, similar to ginger, which is why they can be easily identified. This Peperomia care is identical to the other types.

This plant enjoys temperatures between 65 and 75-degree Fahrenheit.

They prefer humid conditions and moist soil, but they can withstand dryness for only a few weeks. Light intensity is essential for its maintenance.

They need ample sunlight to grow. Be careful during the summer months because, during this period, you must keep them away from the direct sun.

Peperomia Metallica

Peperomia metallica is a perennial succulent and evergreen variety that has metallic leaves.

Its natural habitat is the tropical forest of Peru, but you can grow it as a houseplant. This is a slow-growing species with heart-shaped foliage.

The leaves have an excellent dark green color on the upper surface and contrasting red color underside.

This color combination makes them demanding indoor plants. You can also see beautiful Peperomia flowers on the spikes.

These plants cannot tolerate freezing temperatures. Temperatures lower than 50-degree Fahrenheit will stunt their new growth.

To maintain its multicolor, you should supply them with bright sunlight. Intense light can turn the leaves into green.

This Peperomia plant cannot tolerate soggy conditions as the excess condition can cause root rot.

Peperomia Napoli Nights


Peperomia Napoli nights is a rare species of the Peperomia genus.

It looks similar to the watermelon peperomia because of its beautiful solver foliage with green veins.

It is a slow-growing plant and can be easily grown if supplied with sufficient light and water. However, we have bad news for you.

This beautiful species is so rare that it is under Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) observation.

This variety can tolerate shady conditions. Due to their variegation, you should be careful about maintaining the light.

Direct sun can result in leaf discoloration. They are susceptible to excess watering.

If you notice squishy leaves, then stop watering the plants till the soil becomes dry. Make drainage holes to facilitate draining.

Peperomia Nivalis


This variety can be a fantastic addition to your garden because it has everything a new gardener wants from a plant.

It produces beautiful flowers with mesmerizing fragrances. Peperomia nivalis is originated in Peru.

People love this species mainly because of its stunning fleshy stems.

While growing these vining plants in containers, ensure that the container has a few drainage holes to eliminate excess water.

Use regular potting soil for growing this plant. Grow it in the filtered sun as this plant grows well in this light condition.

They cannot tolerate freezing temperatures. So, you must move them indoors during the winter months. 

Peperomia Obtusifolia


Peperomia obtusifolia is recognized mainly by its other name – Baby Rubber Plant. This succulent variety can be found in the South American rainforest.

Remember that the baby rubber plant shouldn’t be related to the resource of rubber.

You can identify it by its glossy and deeply textured green thick leaves that retain water.

You can also find yellow or white variegation of this species.

Peperomia obtusifolia plant grows well under the dappled sun. You must keep it away from the intense heat.

Water it two times per week and let the top few inches of the soil dry. Increase the watering frequency depending on the climate.

They can be happy with the average humidity level and 65 to 75-degree Fahrenheit temperature.

For more information on baby rubber plants, read more about them:

Peperomia Obtusifolia var. Marble


This variegated species of Peperomia obstusifolia is a fabulous one. This pet-friendly plant has a beautiful color combination of green and yellow.

It is low-growing and perennial and is widely distributed in the tropical regions of Southern America, Florida, the Caribbean, and Mexico.

Due to their excellent leaf variegation, many people grow them indoors. 

Since they have variegated leaves, you should be careful about light intensity. Intense light or too much shade can change the color by ruining the variegation.

We suggest you place them near a bright spot. If they receive too much sunlight, then the leaves can turn greener. Don’t water till the topsoil dries out. 

Peperomia Orba


Peperomia orba is a half succulent plant considered a fascinating desk plant for keeping in the office.

You can easily take care of these plants as they have a few demands to fulfill. It has attractive heart-shaped green foliage, which is thick and retains moisture.

This plant is also known as Teardrop Peperomia.

These plants thrive well under a sunny location with medium sunlight. However, be careful with the light intensity if you are living in a hot region.

Water only when you notice the soil dry. Overwatering can cause early leaf fall, which can ruin the beauty.

Like the other species, the potting mix must be well-drained. This plant enjoys a moderate humidity level.

Peperomia Polybotrya


Peperomia polybotrya is generally known as coin-leaf Peperomia or raindrop Peperomia.

These plants have beautiful dark glossy textured and fleshy leaves with sturdy stems.

These plants are widely distributed in Columbia, Peru, and other tropical regions in Southern America.

They can reach up to 1 foot in height, making them an excellent species for growing indoors. The pretty flowers look like the tail of a mouse.

Although these plants grow well both indoors and outdoors, we suggest growing them in your indoor garden.

In this condition, you can easily maintain the light intensity and save them from fungal attacks. Water these plants carefully and adequately.

They require very little water to survive. So, there is no need to add excess water to these plants.

Peperomia Prostrata


Peperomia prostrata is sometimes confused with Peperomia rotundifolia, but they are two distinct species of Peperomia. 

The Peperomia prostrata is native to South America, while the Peperomia rotundifolia grows from southern Florida and beyond.

The inflorescences of the Peperomia rotundifolia are white and short, while the Peperomia prostrata tend to have longer and thinner reddish inflorescences.

Commonly Peperomia prostrata is known as string of turtle because every leaf has a gorgeous turtle print.

The string of turtle plants grows well under medium-filtered light, and like the other plants, they don’t like excess water, which can cause root rot.

Look for the soil moisture. If the top 1-inch soil looks dry, then add water.

We suggest you adjust the watering schedule depending on the temperature.

Ensure that the soil is well-drained and doesn’t remain in soggy condition for a prolonged period.

For more information on the string of turtle plants, read more about it:

Peperomia Quadrangularis


Peperomia quadrangularis is a widespread species among gardeners. This Peperomia species can easily be identified by holding its stems.

Once your hold it, you will feel the four-sided shape. This variety is also known as Bettle Peperomia.

It is an ornamental evergreen shrub, which is grown as a trailing plant in containers. It has deep green and oval leaves with yellow veins.

This Peperomia plant is easy to take care of. It has a bit of water demand like the other Peperomia plants.

While growing them, ensure you provide them with sufficient light and plant in a well-drained potting mix.

Unlike the other Peperomia plant, it can tolerate direct rays even during the summer months. Never overwater it as it can cause root rot.

You can follow the stem cutting method for propagation and keep the cut edge in the water until the new roots appear.

Peperomia Rotundifolia


Peperomia rotundifolia is a popular perennial evergreen plant with beautiful round leaves. These plants have a trailing nature and look like a necklace.

This is why they are also known as Jade Necklace. These vining plants are epiphytes and native to the South American tropical rainforests.

Many people grow them indoors because of their ornamental foliage pattern.

These plants enjoy partially shaded areas.

We suggest you place them in an east-facing window and avoid placing them under the direct light, which may scorch the leaves.

The ideal temperatures range between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. This succulent is very sensitive to excess watering.

So, make sure that the potting soil is well-drained. Reduce the watering frequency if you live in a cold climate.

Peperomia Rugosa ‘Aussie Gold’

Peperomia rugosa plant is one of the most beautiful varieties.

The charming combination of golden leaves and red veins enhances the beauty of these Peperomia plants.

You may find them abundant in Southern, Central, or Northern America. Their thick leaves retain water like succulents.

To maintain its excellent color, you have to provide these Peperomia plants with indirect sunlight and moderate humidity.

Overwatering can cause root rot or yellowing leaves. Allow 70% of the soil to dry before you water this plant.

Follow stem or leaf cuttings for propagating this Peperomia plant. To prepare an ideal potting mix, you should use coarse and organic materials together.

Peperomia Rosso (Pink Lady Peperomia)


Peperomia rosso is another impressive plant on this list. It is widely distributed in the tropical regions of Central and Southern America.

You can easily grow them if you provide them with the right humidity level and sunlight. This plant looks excellent mainly because of its foliage pattern.

The leaves have a metallic thick red color with deep green veins. They are also called Pink lady Peperomia.

Set up a watering schedule before you water this plant. Watering demand depends on the soil type, temperature, and plants’ requirements.

Since they don’t have a higher water demand, you need to focus on soil type and temperature. Water them when the topsoil looks dry.

Underwater causes sudden leaf drop while overwatering can cause root rot. Since this Peperomia has beautiful red leaves, you have to maintain the light intensity carefully.

Place it under the filtered light because exposure to direct sun for a more extended period can turn the color green.

Peperomia Scandens


Peperomia scandens is also known as Vining or Cupid Peperomia plant and is one of the most attractive plants in this genus. It can be found in South America and Mexico.

The gorgeous heart-shaped and glossy leaves have a light green color with a creamy edge.

You can grow this sturdy plant in hanging baskets because of its spreading nature.

These Peperomia plants usually look beautiful when grown in hanging baskets under dappled light.

The root system is shallow, so you should water the plant when the top 2 inches of soil looks dry.

Direct sun can change the leaf color to green and reduce plant growth. Since this is a non-toxic plant, you don’t have to worry about your furry friends.

Other Peperomia Plants to Consider

Looking for other types of Peperomia plants that are not mentioned above, read further about:

Peperomia Care Guide

Peperomia species don’t need too much attention for growth. But you have to be careful about the light and water demand.

In this section, you will know about Peperomia care.



These plants grow happily in the bright filtered light. Only a few of them can withstand direct sunlight for a short period.

Intense or insufficient light can cause leaves curling or even discoloration. In addition, you should be careful during the summer months when the sun is too hot and may burn the leaves. 

Temperature and Humidity

These plants cannot tolerate freezing temperatures. It is said that if the temperature drops below 50-degree Fahrenheit, then the growth may slow down.

The ideal temperature range for Peperomia is considered 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Most of them are OK with the humidity level. However, we suggest you maintain a 50-60% humidity level for their happiness.

Soil and Water


These species love a well-draining potting mix. To prepare the potting mix, you must mix organic fertilizer, like vermicompost or compost, and inorganic materials, like coco peat, vermiculite, perlite, or pumice.

These materials will improve the overall drainage system. Don’t forget to make drainage holes beneath the container.

Water the plants when the topsoil becomes dry. Excess moisture can increase the chance of root rot or fungal disease.

There are several signs of overwatering, like yellowing leaves, leaf drops, and the smell of hydrogen sulfide.

Peperomia species cannot tolerate soggy conditions like succulents. Make a watering schedule to water these indoor plants.

Remember that Peperomia plants are susceptible to fungal disease.

If you notice any symptoms like yellowing leaves, leaf curling, or black spots, move them to a sunny location and use horticultural oil (neem oil) and insecticidal soap to treat the disease.


Peperomia plants are not heavy feeders. So, a fair amount of fertilizer application can be alright for them.

You can use a balanced fertilizer in liquid form or as granulates, but we suggest you use organic fertilizers, which will also improve the soil’s physical condition. Lack of nutrients can result in yellowing leaves.

Hence, you should fertilize them once every 15 days during their growing season.


Peperomia plant propagation can be exciting and fun. To grow more plants from the mother variety, you may follow the leaf cuttings or stem cuttings method.

These are the two ways for their propagation. We suggest you go for the stem cuttings method as it is safer and more successful than leaf cuttings.

After making the cuts, you can plant them in the existing pot or a new pot.

Many people also keep stem cuttings in water for a few days until new roots appear. Once the new roots come out, they move these plants to the potting mix.


Is Peperomia Succulent a good indoor plant?

Yes, peperomia succulents make great indoor plants for novice gardeners. Peperomia are plants of the peppercorn family called Piperaceae, that look a lot like the popular rubber plant, but are much, much smaller. Peperomia are excellent houseplants since they are low-maintenance and they purify the air.

Is a Peperomia plant a succulent?

Peperomia plants are considered semi-succulents. Peperomia leaves and stems are made of soft, juicy material, making them succulent plants. However, some types of Peperomia are not succulents, but they have the same features as succulent plants. They are small plants that need the same care as other succulents. These plants are great indoor plants because they grow well and can be both hung and upright.

Should you mist Peperomia Plants?

Do not mist peperomia plants. The mist will increase the chance of fungal disease. Instead, use a pebble tray to increase the humidity around the plant.

Are peperomia Succulents perennial?

Yes, most peperomias plants are perennial species. Originally from tropical and subtropical parts of the planet, including Central America, peperomia is now found all over the world. Most of them are small perennials that are grown more for their pretty leaves than for their flowers. 

Does Peperomia plants root in water?

Yes, stem cuttings of Peperomia plants are a simple and effective method of propagation. Cuttings may be rooted in either soil or water to accomplish this. The water approach is as follows: Immerse the lowest leaf nodes in a glass or jar of water until you observe roots growing.

Does a peperomia plant trail?

Some peperomia succulents are trailing plants, while others grow upright. Round, slightly succulent leaves and mushy stems are characteristics of Peperomia plants. have the ability to trail. One feature that distinguishes Peperomias from other plants is their inflorescences, which sometimes resemble rat tails.

How can I care for a Peperomia plant?

Care for peperomia plants by planting them in well-draining potting mix in a container that has drainage holes. Place them in an area where there is bright, indirect light. Water them when the topsoil is semi-to completely dry and add fertilizer only once in a while.

What is the best method for propagating Peperomia plants?

The best method to propagate Pepermoia plants is by stem and leaf cuttings. A portion of the plant will be removed during this procedure, and the remainder will be placed in another container. With some time and patience, the cutting will develop into a full-grown plant.


To sum up, there are many Peperomia plants that can be added to your indoor garden. Most of them are succulents, which means that they are pretty sturdy.

Just remember that you only have to provide them with the right amount of light and water.

Their light requirements vary depending on their variegation type. Place them close to the south-facing window to supply bright light.

Besides, they are non-toxic and thus you don’t have to worry about your pets eating them. Finally, to make more baby plants, you can propagate peperomia plants by using stem cuttings.


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