Kalanchoe Beharensis: Elephant’s Ear Plant Care

Kalanchoe beharensis is a succulent plant in the Kalanchoe genus that is native to Madagascar.

It is also commonly known as an Elephant’s Ear, Felt plant, Velvet Leaf plant, and Felt bush plant.

It is a relatively easy plant to take care of and can be planted almost anywhere—indoors or outdoors.

Read on more for more information on how to grow Kalanchoe beharensis plants.

what is A Kalanchoe Beharensis (Elephant’s Ear) Plant?

Kalanchoe beharensis is a succulent plant that is a member of the genus Kalanchoe and native to native to Madagascar.

In the wild, it can reach a height of approximately 12 feet.

Due to its height, it is known as the largest Kalanchoe succulent, but the growth rate is very slow. So, your succulent gardens will take years to reach maturity.


If these plants reach their growth potential, you should grow them outdoors. The mature leaves have a bronze color and velvety texture, with a silver-gray underside.

Named for their shapes and sizes, this plant has three common names: Velvet Elephant Ear, Velvet Leaf Plant, and Felt Bush. K. beharensis is a hardy species that is extremely easy to care for.

In addition, in some cultures, the essential oils of K. beharensis are used as an alternative medicine to promote the remission of cancer [1].*

Quick Facts on Kalanchoe beharensis

  • Scientific name: Kalanchoe beharensis
  • Plant type: Succulent and perennial
  • Flowers: Rarely
  • Exposure: Full or partial sunlight
  • Water: Do not overwater
  • Soil: Well-drained
  • Hardiness: 11 to 12 (USDA Hardiness Zones)
  • Native region: South Madagascar
  • Temperature: Warm not too cold

How to Care for Kalanchoe beharensis Succulent Plants

No matter where you plant Kalanchoe beharensis, it will grow well. This species requires minimal care and maintenance.

Elephant ear plants can be great plants for the borders in landscaping.

Many people also grow them in containers to create fascinating floral arrangements.

These plants are popular indoor and outdoor plants in dry regions as they require less watering. However, you can grow them in all regions.

They prefer bright sunlight, but they can survive in places receiving indirect light or having partial shade. They can be a great addition to the newbies’ gardens.

Now, we will briefly discuss what you need to do to take care of the Velvet Leaf Kalanchoe beharensis plant.


Proper light is crucial to the growth of Kalanchoe beharensis because it can affect the colors of the fleshy leaves.

Therefore, if one can meet the light requirements of their succulent plant, it will grow well.

Growing Kalanchoe beharensis in full-sun or partial-sun conditions will yield the best result.

Temperature and Humidity

During the summer months, you should place it in areas that have partial sun because the intense heat and full sun all day can turn the leaves brown.

Too much intense light exposure can even burn the tips of their leaves. During the winter, place them near south-facing windows, where they will receive full sunlight.

This plant species grows well in warm regions as it is native to Madagascar.


However, remember that winter or frigid temperatures can kill the Elephant’s Ear plant.

If the temperature drops below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, the plant will begin to show signs of distress.

If the temperatures keep dropping to 41degrees Fahrenheit or below, the plant may not survive.

Keeping plants indoors can save your plants from any damage caused by frost conditions. Especially young plants.

Humidity is another factor that can affect the growth of indoor plants. Kalanchoe beharensis fang grows well in normal room humidity.


Like other succulents, the Felt Bush is drought tolerant. So, this plant does not require frequent watering.

However, during the summer months, when the evaporation rate becomes too high, water them. Before watering again, let the soil dry, or it may cause root rot.

Also, excess watering of Kalanchoe beharensis can cause fungal infection.


Using well-draining soil can ensure healthy growth in an Elephant Ear plant.

The selection of the right potting mixture is essential for growing the elephant ear plant.

Therefore, while preparing the potting mix, you need to use sandy loam soil.

Also, succulent soil can be a great choice for growing the Felt Bush. Ordinary mixtures for succulents can work fine, and you can find them in any garden shop.

If you want to prepare the mix at home, you need to use a sandy or loamy variety to improve the drainage condition.

Keep in mind that using clay soil can cause plants to suffer from water stress. Use a large clay pot while growing this bush indoors to provide enough space.


Generally, the Felt plant does not need fertilizer to grow. But we suggest you fertilize them along with providing adequate water and sunlight.

Spring and summer are when plants grow. Liquid fertilizer can help them grow quickly during this time.


However, growing them in a garden does not call for frequent fertilization because garden soil can provide the necessary nutrients for this succulent.

A balanced fertilizer can accelerate the bloom of the Kalanchoe beharensis fang.

Also, mature plants can produce beautiful greenish-yellow flowers if they are supplied with nutrients.

Do not fertilize these bush succulents during the winter as they do not require nutrients during this period.


Like other succulents, you can propagate the Felt plant leaf or stem cuttings.

Another way to propagate this plant is either by collecting the seeds or by its stem cuttings. The collected seeds can be planted in the potting mixture during the spring.

 Propagating this Kalanchoe beharensis fang plant is quite easy.

  • Cut the leaf blades, leaf stalks, and stems during spring to get leaf and stem cuttings.
  • Let the leaf cuttings and stem cuttings dry for a few days.
  • Stick the healthy leaf cuttings and stem cuttings into the soil using clay pots (or other pots you may have).
  • Place the pots in a bright place.

Within 3 or 4 weeks, roots will start appearing. Once you notice the new growth, plant the new felt plants in a large pot if grown indoors.

You can also plant it in the garden, depending on the climate in your area.

Pests and Diseases

These succulents are prone to different threats, including overwatering, fungus, and pest attacks.

Overwatering can lead to fungal infections, but you also need to be on the lookout for aphids, mealybugs, and other pests in normal conditions.

To eradicate them, use pest spray to prevent damage to the leaves and flowers.

If you are growing this plant in your garden, the problem can be even bigger because it is pretty hard to control pests outside.

Scales, aphids, mealybugs, and mites are serious threats to this plant.

If you are looking to get rid of and prevent pests and fungal infections, we suggest you use a neem oil spray. We’ve used it on our pest infestations before, and it actually works very well.


Is kalanchoe Beharensis a succulent?

Yes, Kalanchoe Beharensis is a succulent plant. It is considered a succulent bush that can grow up to 10 to 12 feet in height in the wild. Because of the shape, size, and feeling of the foliage, it is nicknamed the Velvet Leaf plant, Elephant Ear plant, and Felt Bush plant.

How can I rid insects or pests from my Kalanchoe beharensis?

You can get rid of insects and pests from Kalanchoe beharensis plants by using cotton balls dipped in some 70% isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) and wiping the infested areas of the plant. Alternatively, if the insects do return, use some insecticide or Neem oil spray to get rid of and prevent future pest infestations.

Is the Kalanchoe beharensis plant poisonous?

Yes, the Kalanchoe beharensis plant is poisonous to pets and young children. Kalanchoe beharensis plants are toxic because they contain cardenolides and bufadienolides; both chemicals will negatively affect the heart and other cardiac-related bodily parts. So, please do not let your pets near your Kalanchoe beharensis plants.


Kalanchoe beharensis can be an excellent addition to the garden. They do not require much attention and can be grown either indoors or outdoors.

Make sure you do not water this felt bush plant too frequently, don’t forget to place them in sunny and warm areas, and they will grow happily.

Other Kalanchoe Succulent Plants to Consider

There are many varieties of Kalanchoe plants. If you are looking for other types of Kalanchoe plant, check out our other related posts:


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